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Ville Forests
(LIFE Forests-waterworlds)
Date du début: 1 juil. 2014,
Date de fin: 30 juin 2019
Large proportions of Germanyâs oak or oak-hornbeam forests of the Carpinion betuli habitat are found in North-Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). This project covers one of the two main sites of this habitat type in NRW. Due to the large extension of this habitat type, the project site is of national and European value.
Changes in natural hydrology patterns remain a key threat for this forest type. Therefore, it is of crucial importance to optimise the siteâs hydrology through a closure of drainage ditches and raising of the water level. Such measures should also help to stabilise populations of several endangered amphibian species.
The projectâs main objective centres on conserving and developing oak-hornbeam forests, beech forests and lowland hay meadows in the targeted areas. The project also seeks to preserve and support woodland bird species (black, middle spotted and grey-headed woodpeckers) through the protection of dead wood and the management of suitable areas. The improvement of valuable water and wet habitats in the areas is also planned, in order to preserve and support the existing populations of warty newt, midwife toad and agile frog.
Expected results:
Expected results from the project include the following:
Protection and restoration of the natural water balance in the targeted areas via controls on drainage ditches covering 350 ha. This will improve the conservation status of oak-hornbeam forests;
Ecological succession is supported on 34 ha of Luzulo-Fagetum beech forests, eight ha of Asperulo-Fagetum beech forests, and 96 ha of oak-hornbeam forests. This will improve the connectivity between existing forests habitats;
Introduction of coppice structures in combination with permanent protection and management of dead wood In 39 ha of oak-hornbeam forests. This will lead to an improved conservation status of woodpeckers;
Acquisition of 123 private parcels of land (46 ha) with beech forests and oak hornbeam forest habitats;
Restoration and connectivity of 20 patches of Nardus grasslands, Molinia meadows and Lowland hay meadows (7.5 ha); and
Restoration and connectivity of 25 spawning basins in order to benefit targeted amphibians (warty newt, midwife toad and agile frog).
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