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VET learners and staff mobilities 2016
Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

This project builds on a previous eight-year experience with mobility program at our school, through which students and staff get priceless professional and personal experience by completion of training program at the workplaces of our foreign partners.In this project, we plan to realize 47 mobilities, out of which 41 are designed for students and 6 for teachers. The project comes out of significant needs of school, which are met by its implementation.The offer of educational programmes at our school has nearly doubled over the past few years and the number of students has increased to the current 880. To meet the educational needs of our students, we extended the number of cooperating organizations in this project up to the current 9 and we have fully covered all the educational programmes taught at our school with mobilities. Apart from several school educational programmes under Applied Chemistry there are some other programmes such as Fire Protection, Security and Legal Studies, Cosmetic Services and apprenticeship Hairdresser. We plan mobilities into six European countries (Germany, Cyprus, Great Britain, Spain, Italy, Slovakia 4x). Our project partners are vocational schools, technical colleges and businesses. With four of our partners we realize reciprocal mobilities.The receiving organizations for students in chemical branches are vocational schools (SBG Dresden, IIS Scalcerle Padova, SOS Chemical Bratislava), two technical colleges (University of Plymouth and the University of Nicosia) and a Spanish pharmaceutical company BIOT Microgen, mediated by Europroyectos LdV Granada.Students in the branch of Fire Protection will participate in an internship at The Secondary School of Construction in Žilina, which disposes of excellent technical background in the fire fighting equipment and works closely with the Secondary School of Fire Protection, which will also partake in our students training.Students in the field of Security and Legal Studies pass their practice at the Faculty of Safety Engineering University of Žilina, namely the Department of Safety Engineering and the Department of Emergency Engineering.For students of Cosmetic Services and Hairdresser we secured professional experience in beauty and hairdressing salons at Secondary Vocational School (Beauty and Care School).Simultaneously with the increase in number of mobilities, we also strive to raise up the quality. In all mobilities of this project, we will apply the principles of ECVET. Some units of learning outcomes have been created in previous projects and some new are just being created.Within this project we also plan mobilities of pedagogical staff - VET teachers as we believe that professional development of teachers is a prerequisite for quality assurance in education. Besides professional and pedagogical skills of teachers we also want to strengthen their language skills. In this project we want to focus on vocational teachers in the field of Security and Legal Studies who will complete work-programme at the Faculty of Safety Engineering, and vocational teachers in Applied Chemistry who will complete training programme at IIS Scalcerle in Padua.On the side of students we see the impact of the project in the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, strengthening linguistic communication and lexical skills, improving self-confidence and also motivation for further education. Thanks to this experience students gain an overview of the requirements imposed on their profession, learn about possibilities of study abroad and employment on the European labor market. Through this experience the profile of graduates has been improved, which brings benefit to strategic partners of our school (employers, tertiary education).On the side of school, we see an apparent increase in the attractiveness of school resulting in an increased interest of studying science. Through mobilities the school receives valuable feedback about the quality of education. The school benefits from the exchange of experience and the transfer of good practice in the practice of school. Within this project we above all want to test the units of learning outcomes and start using them for national mobilities afterwards as well.The project will be disseminated through the school website, the educational portal of the Pardubice region authority, local and regional press. The project will be presented during the Open Days, at fairs of schools, at workshops with employers. After completion of the project activities, a final conference will be held at the school where students involved in the project will present mobilities realized in the project period.



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