Rechercher des projets européens

"Ven, participa, aprende" -"Come, get involved, learn"
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Federica Montseny Secondary School is located on the outskirts of Valencia, on the east coast of Spain and has a training offer in Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education (A Level) and Vocational Studies.On one hand, the 60% of the students who begin their studies in the first year of Compulsory Secondary Education are disadvantage students who resides in a neighborhood of Singular Preferent Action inhabited by ethnic minorities and where there are different nationalities. The families of the neighborhood in general have a low socio-cultural level and limited economic resources, many of which are gipsies. The students from this neighborhood has a high level of absenteeism and dropout. For that reason, our school feels the need to combat school failure and it’s a priority the early detection of risk of dropout and absenteeism reduction. Since two years ago we are working on a Intercentros Project with an experimental group of students from the neighborhood and with the collaboration of the CAES Primary School (Center for Singular Education Action), another school in the locality, Social Services of the city and the Maranatha Gipsy Association .On another hand, we have students who benefits from the fact that the IES Federica Montseny is a pioneering center in Valencian Community on teaching through two foreign languages (English and French) simultaneously, which allows that our students complete their studies in Secondary Education knowing four European languages: the two co-official and two foreign.With the ultimate goal of improving educational quality in Secondary Education, the community of IES Federica Montseny has detected that needs to act on some key issues. On the Intercentros Project we should continue adapting the curriculum to the needs of students and planning lessons to get them motivated and closer to the European reality. At the same time, we need tools to detect and combat absenteeism and dropout effectively. Teachers should improve in the teaching practice the use of new tools and methodologies as the task work or the CLIL methodology for the development of plurilinguism.Continuing with the spirit of improving the coexistence of our multiethnic students, it’s also a priority that students can know different realities in Europe similar to their own realities and establish ties with people from other countries through our exchange experience.All the faculty, in general, and all teachers who use a foreign language to teach, in particular, can improve their language skills to transfer these improvements to their students. In all groups and levels of the Secondary Education, teachers should continue teaching with new tools and methodologies such as project work.During the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school years the IES Federica Montseny will develop project of Erasmus + “Come, get involved, learn” in Compulsory Secondary Education, which will focus on the areas mentioned above. Four teachers has being selected from all the faculty to participate in four activities of European mobility, which are four training courses about dropout prevention, methodology and CLIL project work, organized by ITC, an entity with more than fifteen years of experience in training teachers and based in the Czech Republic. Participants in this Erasmus+ project are stable in the school, participate in existing projects in the center, have language skills in English and French, dominates ICT and also has experience in international activities.In order to disseminate the different activities carried out , we will regularly contact the local media (press, radio web…) and institutions. Therefore, the project aims and results will reach the school community, and local and regional population and institutions.All the students of Secondary Education will benefit from this project because it gives coverage to the plurality of school pupils and the diversity of realities which we work with. The decrease of the dropout and the improving of the quality of education will have a positive impact on the entire environment.

