Date du début: 1 juin 2015,
Date de fin: 31 mai 2017
Within the project Soil protection in the European Union (VTEU) the students of the School Centre Šentjur want to get acquainted with a European dimension in the field of rural development in the period 2014-2020 (with PRP and KOPOP during this period) and get to know all the relevant professional competences in the field of sustainable management soil - soil protection (organic farming, urbanization in rural areas, development of green tourism, water protection, preservation of fertility, crop rotation, introduction of team integration with other disciplines: construction, environmental protection, water protection in the field of soil protection (flood barriers, fight against erosion, land degradation). With this project we are addressing the theme of this year, which is the International Year of Soils 2015.
The selected partner school LFS Alt-Grottenhof in Graz, Austria has had excellent experience in the field of organic production (as evidenced by a number of EU projects) and their their own products (with adequate protection of the soil ecosystem) are very successfully marketed; with new knowledge and skills they develop strategies to protect soil and space, and they possess the competence to spread them, in accordance with the EU perspective of rural development, in Europe.
The project, which we intend to realize from 28th September to 9th October 2015, we are going to include 12 students of the Secondary vocational and technical school from the educational programs Agricultural-Entrepreneurial technician, Food-processing technician, Nature-conservation technician and Mechanic of agricultural and working machinery, and two accompanying teachers. Participants will be selected according to the criteria: good marks, praise, behavioral suitability, initiative - self-motivation for the exchange and acquisition of new professional and practical skills in terms of new job opportunities in the EU, motivation to learn English and German, coming from the rural environment and the opinion of the classteacher.
During their stay in Austria, students will improve their foreign language skills (general communications and adoption of technical terminology in English and German), deepen expertise and practical knowledge in the field of soil protection, laboratory and field work and develop ethical values (respectful attitude towards the ground) and got used to team work.
The planned activities are as follows: transmission of basic theoretical and expertise in the field of organic farming and soil science (KSSV), acquiring the basics of technical terminology in a foreign language, field work (picking patterns, learn about the geological structure of the soil, soil profiles), training and soil analysis in the laboratory, field trips to areas of soil protection and sustainable use of soil. Foreign teachers will continually assess work and competencies acquired by students, in agreement with the pre-arraned criteria, students will keep a diary of their activities, which will also be reviewed and evaluated, from the professional and linguistic point of view. As an acknowledgment of the lessons of expertise and practical knowledge at the partner school abroad, the participants will receive a certificate Europass mobility. In terms of knowledge transfer we are planning to produce a CD of the project's activities, a publication of the article in local and regional newspapers and a presentation of the project on television in the programme The people and the earth, and writing a workbook, a manual for soil analyses and methods for observing the ecosystem of soil (in English, German and Slovene, published on a joint webside of both schools).
The participants of the project are expected to increase technical and practical knowledge of organic farming (the knowledge of technologies), the knowledge of sustainable management of soil (greater awareness), of soil analysis (conducting laboratory analyzes), to gain experience of team work, to acquire ethical principles (protection of the soil ecosystem) in connection with the participation of Agricultural Advisory Service and the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry in Styria; students will gain a better knowledge of foreign technical terminology.
The skills gained in the project will significantly contribute to sustainable soil management, to greater protection of this natural resource, which is the basis of man's existence.
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