Rechercher des projets européens

Une ouverture vers l'Europe, une chance pour tous.
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Our school is a secondary school situated in Allonnes, a city of 12 000 inhabitants , it's not far from Le Mans. It is a school classified as REP (Reseau d' Education Prioritaire) which means that most of our pupils come from disadvantaged families (49,1 % of the pupils ' families are unemployed or have low incomes ) and face educational difficulties. In such conditions , it is not surprising to notice that for many of our pupils learning at school is difficult. They really need genuine situations to get involved and learn. Learning English is even more difficult than any other subjects, for most of them, because they just don't use the language outside their English class . Europe or the necessity to speak another language just doesn' t make sense to them. Thus , they are often quickly discouradged in class and not seing any sense in what they are doing, despite all the teachers' efforts, they stop making the necessary efforts to progress, which creates a great disparity between those who manage to find some sense, the priviledged ones who have an easy access to culture thanks to their families and those who don't. It has become a priority in our school to make all our pupils aware that English is a real mean of communication all over Europe and that it can help to discover new cultures. So as to motivate our pupils and to broaden their horizon, make them feel what being European means exactly, it appears important to us to focus our efforts on teaching other subjects in English. Moreover , discovering new teaching methods , new ICT tools, comparing and sharing our teaching methods with other European partners will help us bring another dimension to our practise. A reliable team, already involved in different European projects is really interested in the mobilities of the KA1 program . This team is composed of : 1. The Headmaster, the school accountant and the « school adviser »(CPE) of our school who are now used to the management of mobilities . 2. An English teacher involved in a comenius project called « Education for Energy in Europe ». She also created an English club and worked with Polish partners via e-twinning in a project called « Discover our art to know us ». Pupils can inprove their English in this club, one hour per week. 3. A biology teacher, also involved in the comenius project « Education for Energy in Europe » and in the English club. He wishes to pass the DNL exam. 4. A maths teacher who participated to a school trip in Great Britain with a European class. He also wishes to pass the DNL exam. 5. A technology and ICT teacher who is an etwinning ambassador also has the ability to teach in English. He 's the supervisor and the coordinator of many projects in the school. He created a website for the first Comenius project and helped the pupils for its maintenance and for all the ICT required in the project In order to first consolidate our practise of the English language, some mobilities towards Great Britain are needed for the first year. Then to improve our skills in teaching in CLIL, to discover new teaching methods and new partners, other mobilities will be necessary, with some European partners also willing to improve their skills in CLIL. Those partnerships will be an opportunity to communicate about projects like e-twinning or ERASMUS + so as to motivate and involve the pupils. Such actions will have an impact on our pupils who will be given opportunities to work with other European pupils. English will make more sense to them and it will give them a greater awareness of what Europe is. They will really feel European citizens. This project will provide pupils and teachers experiences and opportunities that will then have an impact on the whole school community developping a strong European identity for all and the desire to find more European partners to work with in the future.



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