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Ultrafast Dynamics, Energy Exchanges, and Non-linear Optical Properties of Resonant Nanostructures (UDENOP)
Date du début: 1 févr. 2012, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

After a decade of existence, and driven by a remarkable expansion in research and development, plasmonics –the technology that exploit the unique optical properties of metallic nanostructures to enable routing and active manipulation of light at the nanoscale- has entered a defining period in which researchers will seek to answer a critical question: can plasmonics provide a viable technological platform which includes both passive and active nanodevices? The design of these devices is driven by a two-fold objective: 1) to manipulate electromagnetic energy at the nanoscale, including harvesting, guiding and transferring energy, with high lateral confinement down to a few tens of nanometers, and 2) to generate ultrafast and strong non-linear effects with low operating powers to produce basic active functions such as transistor or lasing actions. Utilizing the resonant properties –field enhancement and spectral sensitivity- of Surface Plasmons Polaritons (SPPs) is generally thought to represent a practical avenue to achieving this objective. In this context, this research aims to assess the potential for defects to enhance the non-linear optical properties of plasmonic crystals. The objective is to integrate defects, made of plasmonic cavities, in plasmonic crystals to create a focal point for electromagnetic energy stored in surface plasmon waves at the crystal’s interfaces. The role of the defect is then to transfer this energy to a neighbouring non-linear material in order to change its optical properties at the femtosecond timescale, thus creating an active functionality. This research, largely based on ultrafast time-resolved near-field optical microscopy, is also expected to enhance our understanding of ultrafast energy transfers at the nanoscale- a critical expertise in designing nanodevices.

