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Ugródeszka a vendéglátó karrierhez - Vendéglátós szakiskolai tanulók külföldi szakmai gyakorlata
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Szent Lőrinc Secondary Vocational Training School has been teaching training courses for catering VET students since 1996. In Hungary there is a growing demand for quality hospitality training courses, this fact is also shown by the growing number of students applying to our school. We would like to keep contact with our foreign partner institutions to improve our trainings’ quality and to keep pace with the new requirements. Hopefully our experienced interns will remain/return into the region, increasing the number of highly qualified professionals living in the area, which can be a very positive impact on the investment mood prevailing in the region. The main objective of this project is to provide our students a foreign hospitality internship training at market leading international luxury hotel chain members. The students will acquire new professional knowledge and skills giving them better chance to appear in the domestic and international labor markets. We give priority to the professional development of our disadvantaged students, who would never have the opportunity to gain experience abroad - the planned number of disadvantaged students are 20, which means 60% of the whole group. It is also important to acknowledge the learnt/improved skills during this internship with official documents (such as Europass Mobility Certificate) which also can provide major benefits to our students in the labor market. The project builds on the participation of 11th and 12th grade waiter and cook students. We plan to travel 32 students, 20 of them could make their internship at two market leader hotels in Prague, and the other 12 could work in a similarly prestigious Spanish hotel. The internships would take place in the summer and autumn of 2014 including the preparation phase, the traineeship itself, and certainly the dissemination of results. All members of our project team have serious experience in organizing and managing of foreign internship projects. With the help of this internship we would like to keep our students in their profession and to prevent profession abandonment, as well as to increase the supplement of highly skilled and educated workforce within the region. Additionally our further goal is to increase the prestige of the Hungarian hospitality profession, so that the free movement of workforce in accordance with the EU principle could develop further and the European hotels would likely recruit and select from hospitality/catering VET students educated in Hungary. The primary target groups for dissemination of results are the country’s primary and secondary school student groups, as well as the hospitality and tourism industry. Regional and community media will also be involved into the process of dissemination.

3 Participants partenaires