Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

U-turn is a long term EVS project in Baile Tusnad, in which Association VOX Iuventutis will host four volunteers from Germany, Spain, Hungary and France. Volunteers will stay for 10 months. The volunteers will work in Saint Anne Youth Center which was established in 2011 by our organization. With their assist, we would like to help and promote the community life of the Town by organizing different kind of free time activities, events and workshops for all generation. Volunteers will help local initiatives and they have to do their own too. They will organize indoor and outdoor activities connected to their own interest and the objectives of our organization, so they can have chance to gain experience connected do their hobbies, interest, future job or studies. We organize regular activities for children in our Youth Center and in schools of surrounding villages using non-formal educational methods, and these activities are quite popular. But youngsters, adults and elders are lack of possibilities. There are only a few event in every year where both children and their parents or grandparents can find what they need. We would like to improve our children activities and we also want to organize regular activities in which we can involve parents too or at least organize regular programes for them too. Within this project we also want the local organizations and the authorities to take a turn, and start to cooperate and work together. We believe if we start to cooperate much better within local events and we organize others in which we involve the local council and organizations, we can help their/our future cooperation, and we can promote to establish better relationship between. By this project we hope to develop the local community life, we want to bring them closer to each other, we want to bring local organizations and the local government closer to each other and we would like to provide possibilities for all generations to spend their free time in active way. We would like to improve Baile Tusnad this way, we hope the more active citizenship, the raised sense of social responsibility, and we believe that local people can see the future of our Town more positively.



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