Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 15 août 2015, Date de fin: 14 nov. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

I had the opportunity to see how inclusion works, how ordinary people cooperate even though they do not speak the same language. It is an awesome moment to see, that people do not understand words the other person in front of them uses to speak to them, and still they can easily find common way of doing things together and be satisfied with the outcomes of their doings. Even better is to see, that eventually, they become friends with lot of beautiful memories to a person that they could actually never speak to without needing translation but they know for sure (and this knowledge is on both sides) that they became friends. While observing those situations during the last project I participated, I realized that there is a common language we all can use. It is called music. TUNEurope is an inclusive project for young people aged from 16 to 23 from 7 countries who will tune themselves up to strengthen understanding of differences which are in every one of us and at the same time to show that those differences are not obstacles for cooperation, communication or friendship.



6 Participants partenaires