Rechercher des projets européens

"Túl az Óperencián"
Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Our town, Perkáta, is located in the heart of Hungary. We have a nursery school with 2 buildings and 5 classes. The name of our town probably sounds strange to the foreign ear but we can proudly say that we are very acknowledged on professional levels. One of the big results of our hard work was receiving the title "Kincses Kultúróvoda" (“Treasure Culture Kindergarten”) in 2016.Even though we are a nursery school from a rural area, with not too many opportunities, we have registered fourth in our county for "Tehetségpont" (“Talent Point”) and since then we have been awarded the "Akkredidált Kiváló Tehetségpont" (“Accredited Excellent Talent Point”) in 2014. The training of the talented children's personality is extremely important for our institution and us. This is concentrating on three main areas at the moment.Our IT talent development has its own charm; we have researched, collected and created the program ourselves. We are very proud of our accomplishment in protecting the environment. We can gladly say, we handed in numerous successful projects regarding sustainability and won a few titles for ourselves as well such as the "Zold Óvoda" (“Green Nursery”), which we gained for the third time in 2014.We have more than 30 successful projects already and are constantly looking for opportunities.Our nursery’s most important aim is to educate children to be balanced, happy and able to adapt in different changes so they could become a valuable member of society.The purpose of our project “Túl az Óperencián” through the international relationships is to make our competency stronger, exchange professional experiences and improving our language skills.There are seven nursery teachers taking part in this project. They are open, innovative and have similar spiritualties. They have a very positive and inspiring influence on each other. They think it is very essential to have great respect for others and accept different opinions. Additionally, they are professionally prepared and in continuous training. All seven of them have a different interest, which they worked out and built into their specialities to educate children in those areas.The project is made of three job shadowing placements and a language course in three different countries. The job shadowing will take place at three nursery/primary schools in Romania, Lithuania and England involving children between the age of 3 and 7. We will build international relationships with people, institution and non-governmental organizations. We will also get to know other nationalities’ culture, everyday life and educational system.While we are carrying out these activities, our competency will develop and our methodology knowledge will grow due of the new acquired information abroad.One of our teachers will be able to develop her English language knowledge through the course in England and she will become more confident and self-sufficient.This project offers an opportunity to share our knowledge and experiences with our partners. It is very important to be open-minded these days and to observe and learn.We also find it essential to pass our experiences and disseminate our new knowledge to our environment within the nursery or even broader public. We run a blog for our nursery and we share everything we can with the public, pleasing parents, colleagues and visitors.Last year’s Erasmus Plus project brought a lot of positive benefits to us. We currently have 4 partners with our Erasmus Plus project: Marosvásárhely, Csíkszentdomonkos, Bournemouth and Jurancon’s nurseries. This inspires us to continue our methods and ways in order to reach our long- term goals and to carry on with our international projects. As a result our work in the nursery turns out to be more interesting, colourful; and the nursery teachers become more and more confident using the different systems such as the web2 tools and platforms. The parents, children, colleagues and we will be more satisfied and this will improve our environment, which we work in. Our relations with each other will grow and mainly the pupils will have a better time in the nursery and also it will be a lot easier for them to adapt within the kindergarten.We would like to make sure, when we hand in our project; everyone is happy and satisfied with what we have achieved, created.We would like to thank everyone at the Tempus Public Foundation for all the information they have given us. We would like to say thank you to our international partners also for taking the time and effort to help us complete this project. We appreciate they have agreed to host us in the future without actually knowing each other. We are very excited to meet them, learn and exchange methods and our histories. We thank you to everyone else who helped us and cheered for us in the difficult times as well!“We live for those, who love us, who thinks of us as trustworthy; we live for the future: for the beauty, good and whatever we are able to do!"


3 Participants partenaires