Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project “Transiti” is promoted by Ce.S.F.Or. that has already successfully realized IVT and PLM mobility projects within the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme , in the tourism, hotel and catering field. The project Consortium is made of public and private organizations and covers the regions of Central and Southern Italy, in which high rates of youth unemployment can be found .The project supports the objectives of the "Europe 2020" strategy for growth and employment of European citizens, contributes to the mobility and employability of young people to support their entry into the labor market and supports the objectives of the Strategic Framework for European cooperation in the field education and Training (Educational training 2020). It promotes lifelong learning and mobility of young people in European Countries and meets the needs of training and mobility of both young learners of the South Centre (Lazio, Campania, Calabria, Sicily) and of newly graduates (Lazio Region) that are attending or have attended training paths in the Tourism and catering field. "Transiti" has the following objectives: - integrate the course of study in the hospitality industry with a practical activity (internship), realizing 95 new mobility of learners and graduates in European companies in the sector; -strengthen the personal and professional dimension of young people involved in the project; - increase the capacity and European dimension of the organizations active in the field of Education and Training - strengthen cooperation and synergies among the organizations involved in European mobility and the companies - increase the use of national and European tools and implement procedures for the recognition of competences and skills - improve and strengthen the language skills of young learners - raise awareness of European citizenship and intercultural skills of the participants. The project will last two years, from October 2014 to September 2016. The internships will last three weeks and will be carried out with companies of the sector, as identified by the project partners (Receiving organizations) in 7 European countries: UK, Ireland, Spain, Germany, France, Portugal and Poland. Will be realized: 95 mobility of young learners and 12 mobilities of accompayning persons. The target group is represented by: 1) 85 young students included in the training programs of technical and professional institutes( tourism and hotel )/ vocational Training Centres partners in the project. 2) 10 graduates residing in the Lazio Region who graduated at Tourism Institutes or vocational training Centres less than 12 months ago The selection will be made among candidates attending training courses which provide the following professional profiles: assistant chef, waiter, receptionist. Ce.S.F.Or., Coordinator of the National VET Consortium, shared strategic objectives and tasks of the project with all the partners; the learning outcomes previously defined have been agreed and the ECVET procedure for the recognition of credits to the participants has been implemented. As for mobility , the methodology and tools applied are the ones already successfully used in other European projects (EuroCaThos, MasterMOB). For the implementation of the activities , has been choosen the methodology of "matrixes of responsibility" that allows to identify for each partner, activities, tasks , timing, and professionals involved. The expected outcomes for participants in the project are: the acquisition of new technical skills in the field of reference; the acquisition of transversal skills; the improvement of language skills and the acquisition of national and European certifications to be spent on the European labor market (Europass, ECVET ); a greater knowledge of job opportunities in EU countries. The partner organizations of the project will:implement innovative procedures for the management of mobility; broaden their networks and contacts in Europe, increase their range of activities and innovative programs (attractiveness of organizations) to meet the needs of young people interested in the experiences of European mobility in a better way. Generally speaking, "Transiti" will have a positive long-term effect on the organisations and their staff: tutor, project manager,training and mobility coordinators, administrative clerks. Tools and procedures to guarantee certification and validation of formative credits and tools for planning mobilities will be implemented. Furthermore, the companies of tourism, hotel and catering field on regional, national and European level may benefit from more qualified and trained professional profiles.



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19 Participants partenaires