Rechercher des projets européens

Transfer von partnerschaftlichen Ansätzen der betrieblichen Aus- und Weiterbildung zwischen Deutschland und Ungarn
Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Background There is a strong interrelation between Lower Saxony (DE) and Hungary concerning the automotive and automotive supply industry together with the supporting logistics. Hungary has undertaken major steps to reduce the lack of well-qualified professionals and has implemented educational development actions for both sectors in order to prevent similar shortages in the future. Thanks to these efforts an innovative system of vocational education and training (VET) in cooperation with public and private vocational schools and training centres, operated by social partners, is upraising in Hungary. The vocational education in the Central- and Western Hungarian automotive cluster is one of the most modern in Europe. A transfer of Hungarian best practices would have an extraordinary importance for the VET actors in the same sectors (automotive and logistics) of Lower Saxony. Objectives In the proposed project the partner organisations Bildungsvereinigung Arbeit und Leben Niedersachsen Ost (DE) and Solution (HU) aim to contribute to a better understanding of differing approaches to their systems of VET. The international mobility experiences of VET staff from Lower Saxony would lead to a transfer of knowledge and best practices of both companies’ based VET and school based programmes. Number and Profile of Participants: Within the project two groups (10 people each) of experienced VET Trainers from Lower Saxony (DE) will participate in a five days course each at VET institutions and social partner organisations in Hungary. The participants are trainers, pedagogues and teachers, associated to training institutions providing vocational education as well as VET experts of social partners. They have a strong sectorial background in the automotive sector (group 1) or logistics (group 2). Description of the Activities The central element of the designed project is a well-structured five days long education programme in Hungary. Within this period the participants will understand the Hungarian system of VET and learn to transfer best practises into their own work in Lower Saxony. For a successful implementation the active cooperation with representatives of VET training centres and social partners is foreseen. Important basic of success is a one-day preparation seminar for each of both groups, when participants learn about the receiving country Hungary, the specialities of its VET system and model of social partnership. After each course abroad there will be a half-day follow-up meeting in order to support reflexion of the learnt, ensure sustainability of experiences and evaluate the project. A network of new contacts will be build up for future cooperation. Process of Implementation The applicant organisation from Germany and the receiving organisation from Hungary have jointly developed the agenda of the abroad courses and agree within a “Memorandum of Understanding” on the overall project work, the implantation of the agenda, the partners’ responsibilities and sustainability. Results/Benefits/Effects Participants will learn about similarities and differences of VET in both countries and about the role of social partners in each system. While practically experiencing the implementation of VET in the automotive industry and logistics in an innovative environment the participant’s competencies to transfer the learnt into their own working settings increases. On the long run the project will contribute to a regular and intensive exchange of VET actors within the concerned sectors and regions, which are important for the regional development of the automotive and logistics cluster in Lower Saxony as well as in Central –and Western Hungary.



1 Participants partenaires