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Transfer of successful structures and guidance for implementing the dual VET system. Training company trainers.

According to information from the European Commission, a quarter of 14 to 25 year-olds in Europe are unemployed. In November 2012, 5.799 million young people (under 25) were unemployed in the EU-27, the youth unemployment rate was 24.4 % in the euro area. The lowest rates were observed in Germany (8.1 %) and Austria (9.0 %). Spain has the second highest rate 56.5 % followed by Portugal with the 38,7%.The value of dual training systems in reducing youth unemployment, facilitating the transition from learning to employment and responding to the skills needs of the labour market, is strongly acknowledged. The promotion of dual training is a central goal in European cooperation and this project has also contributed to achieve it by sensitizing society on the attractiveness on qualified vocational education and training as dual VET system for employment; involving policy makers and Public Authorities in the development of the project to guarantee the acknowledgement of the advantages of this system; and wining enterprises’ support for dual based training.But our main objective was implementing a real transfer of experienced knowledge on dual training systems from experienced players from Germany and Austria to Spain and Portugal focused on training company trainers on transversal skills and competences. Because workers, who will become, in the nearest future, the educators and trainers of the future apprentices and trainees need to learn to teach and need to be trained on communicative, methodological and personal competences.Appart the institutional framework, chambers of commerce and industry, training providers and companies are the key actors of the dual system of vocational training. The partnership of the project has been therefore composed by chambers of commerce and training providers, and companies have been represented from the beginning of the project by a “Pilot group of companies”. Thus, it has been guaranteed the active involvement of the stakeholders in the development and implementation of the different actions planned.



6 Participants partenaires