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TRAIning Transversal - Supporting Career Development and Research
Date du début: 1 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Transversal Skills are personal and inter-personal attributes that enhance an individual’s interactions, job performance and career prospects. While hard skills include job specific knowledge, Transversal Skills relate to a person’s ability to interact effectively with co-workers and customers and are broadly applicable both in and outside the workplace. While it is generally acceptable that Transversal Skills have a major impact in employability, it has also been suggested that in a number of professions, they may be more important over the long term than occupational skills. EU in a large number of reports urges the development of Transversal Skills to all citizens, as they provide the opportunity to increase employability, entrepreneurship, personal and professional development and make major contribution to the financial growth and security. Even though there is considerable effort for developing Transversal Skills of Managers and University Graduates, educational materials and courses addressing the needs of disadvantaged groups such as low educational level unemployed or recently employed ones are almost not existent. The proposed project aiming at filling that gap by developing using a new training approach The Blended Learning Model (Rotation) addressing the Transversal Skills development needs of disadvantaged groups of unemployed young people. By using the standard EU classification and terminology system (4 transversal competencies group proposed in Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (Council of the European Union, 2006): Learning to learn; Social and civic competence; Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; Cultural expression and other crucial two: Interpersonal communication and Ethical values and sustainable development - good governance, together with innovative educational tools and pedagogical approaches, a course suitable for accreditation, providing for transferability and recognition of skills acquired all over Europe, covering a wide range of Transversal Skills, suited for several learning styles and learning difficulties and readily available to a wide range of training organization to use, will be developed. The course will be based on a complex scientific research on the 6 proposed transversal skills about their importance, specific transversal skills priorities and transversal skills deficiencies. The major findings will help trainers involved in the TRAIT project to improve understanding of the essential needs in developing the blended learning TRAIT course in direct relation with the European workforce development system. To the best of our knowledge there is no similar attempt. The research results and the blended learning TRAIT toolkit, both based on EU scientific standards, apart from the major impact they may have on reduction of unemployment and financial growth of several disadvantaged groups it may also serve as model for all subsequent attempt in the field. The partnership, consisted from 6 organizations coming from 5 EU countries, covering a wide geographical area and languages spoken by a large percentage of the population. It contains different types of organizations, such as VET school, NGO’s, consultant organizations, small companies, employers’ associations, ensuring the complementarity of the perspectives, requirements and contribution, thus providing for the high quality of the final outcome. Along with the course, dissemination plans and promotion materials will be developed as integral part of the project, in order to ensure the sustainability and maximize its impact for the years to come.



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