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Training in Management of Forest Resources and Forest Pedagogy
Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Techniques and principles of forest management both worldwide and in Europe are going through great changes and the adoption of the multi-functional forestry (management of forests for more than one purpose such as wood production, water quality, recreation, aesthetics, clean air) is becoming universally accepted. New technologies like remote sensing, forest fire monitoring and GIS (Geographic information systems) are adapted in modern forestry. Public awareness has been raised towards forest protection, recognizing forest's important role towards offering wood, non-wood products,services as well as mitigating the adverse impacts of accelerating climate change. Our past experience showed that co- operation with other European partners, the sharing of experiences and skills and knowledge of European policies, are ways to achieve improvements both in the fields of sustainable forest management and forest education in Cyprus. According to the European Forestry Strategy and the new Forest Policy for Cyprus forests, the main objectives of forest management are: The Environmental, Social and Protective functions of the forests, the conservation of flora, fauna and ecosystems,the protection of forests from fires, the expansion of the forest cover through reforestation and afforestation works,the preservation of biodiversity and natural heritage, the forest recreation and amenity,the conservation of water and soil erosion control,the protection and the sustainable development of areas adjacent to forest and particularly the development of areas near various communities to encourage eco tourism. All these objectives require a well educated and widely experienced forest personnel able to carry out effectively dedicated mission. For this particular project our objective was to "provide an up-skilling" for eight (8) forest trainers in fields of sustainable forest management, operating vocational education and training for the Cyprus Forest Sector and downstream improvement of skills in the workforce. Our main aims:(i) exchange relevant skills in multi-functional forestry, (ii) exposure of trainers to new training, teaching methods (iii) receiving information about new and advanced technology related to forestry, (ii) increasing the knowledge base for the Cyprus Forest Sector, (iii) meeting personal needs e.g. skilling, gaining new knowledge, accessing EU ideas and European Forest Strategy. All above aims promote also personal, linguistic and professional development. Under this particular project Cyprus Forestry College (CFC) with its new additional role as a Forestry Educational Centre, has managed to co-operate with four (4) different organizations in (4) different european countries (Slovakia, Bulgaria, Germany, United Kingdom) and to implement with success the scheduled placements. All our partners have strong background in various fields of forest education and sustainable forest management. One flow was in Slovakia, one in Germany, one in Bulgaria and one in United Kingdom. Participants were well qualifed forestry staff engaged in forest education and sustainable forest management. The placements and the main topics covered were as follows: - For the period 7/4/2016-16/4/2016, two (2) beneficiaries were placed in "Ipel Union", Slovakia and attained training in nature trails, conservation work in protected areas, hydroecology skills, building small water retention systems in forest environments. The participants had also been informed about forest management practices in Slovakia. - For the period 9/5/16-17/5/16 two (2) beneficiaries were placed in "Bildungshaus Heideland" Germany and attained practical training on forest management, forestry training and fire protection. Important training issues were: mapping of forest vegetation using modern technology GIS (Geographic Information Systems), detection of forest fires by using modern camera sytems, FSC (Forest Steward Council) certification to support responsible forestry and combating illegal exploitation of timber. - For the period 11/5/16-21/5/16 two (2) beneficiaries were placed in "Devetaki Plateaeu", Bulgaria and attained training in rural development, eco-tourism, state policy for protection of nature, role of Bulgarian NGOs in the protection of environment and in making environmental policy. - For the period 19/5/16-27/5/16 two (2) beneficiaries were placed in "Grampus Heritage and Training Limited", and attained training in Community Forestry development, sustainability in forest resources management, U.K forest management in practice with a focus on multi-functional objectives. Erasmus+ program is focusing on promoting skills and upgrading European education training systems. We strongly believed that the implementation of the project covered our aims and objectives set from the beginning at a satisfactory level taking into consideration the European Forestry Strategy and the new Forest Policy for Cyprus forests.



4 Participants partenaires