Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

STUDENTSTraining in European Automotive, Mechanical Fabrication and Electronics, aims to equip 19 students of Emilio Campuzano Institute an international dimension to improve the professional skills of the young people participating through an internship in EU companies.Specific objectives:-Provide The participants a local realization of activities to improve their personal, professional and language skills and practical European experience.-Provide The middle grade students a European experience through internship program, which will help generate an international dimension.The 5 groups of beneficiaries are aged 18 to 30 years enrolled in a training cycle average degree of Vocational Training.Group 1- 4 student, destination Germany.- Studying the module - Electromechanical Motor VehicleGroup 2- 5 student, destination Germany- Studying the module - MachiningGroup 3-4 student, destination Italy- Studying module - Electromechanical Motor VehicleGroup 4- 3 recent graduates, destination Chech Republic- Recent graduates en the cycle - Electromechanical Motor VehicleGroup 5- 3 recent graduates, destination Poland- Recent graduates in the cycle - Electromechanical Motor VehicleProfile of target groups:-Residents In Bizkaia.-Without work experience.-Without any experience in Europe.Results for the participant group:-Contact With the labor market.-Reinforcement Of their language skills.-Improved: Adaptability, autonomy, relationships, tolerance and European perspective.The 4 week stay includes placements in related sectors who attend training cycle and can validate FCT hours.The stay of six months work experience includes sectors related training cycle their made.TEACHERSThe project also aims mobility in the European environment dedicated to training in sectors such as Automotive and Mechanical Manufacturing and Electronics, involved in the field of development of people, in order to improve their professional skills and develop new competences.Specific objectives:- To materialize the cooperation between European organizations that provide training opportunities in the automotive and logistics industry to adapt the skills of teachers to the needs of students who are going to reach new labor market-Transfer Methodologies on pathways within sectors of Automotive, Mechanical Manufacturing, Electronics and adequacy and prospecting skills-Strengthen And develop the skills of professional training and guidance- Benchmarking of the activity and the know-how of entities in Germany, Italy and Chech Republic in the European environmentFor this, the mobility project for 14 people, with destinations Germany, Italy and Chech Republic will be held for one week stay.



5 Participants partenaires