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TOP+ Training older persons - pioneer model usable for older adult trainers

The low enrolment of older workers in Lifelong Learning in Europe represents a waste of individual opportunitiespotential and a loss productive and economic potential. Commission recognize “that a change is needed in the wayeducation and training is provided (flexible timetables, recognition of prior learning and more attractive training)”.Trainers, teachers and Guidance counsellors must have the skills to offer attractive training and guidance orientation.The Partnership of TOP + it’s committed to develop a brand new solution to help all Member States (MS) andNorway to cope with a common challenge (low participation of older adults in lifelong learning programmes), with anew strategy, which has not yet addressed: reinforce the skills of older adults trainers and teaches.TOP + Project it’s target trainers and teachers that wish up-skill or re-skill it’s competencies to better address olderadults training need. Under TOP + we consider “older adults” those with more than 45 years old, unemployed, at riskof unemployment or early retirement.The golden result of the Project will be a Multimedia Compendium. The interface and key-documents will betranslated in 22 EU languages and Norwegian, and distributed in all 27 Member States (MS) and Norway. Otherrelevant outcomes of the Project:- Comparative Study that will produce a framework of knowledge on key-questions concerning lifelong learning inlater life. These study also- Identification both the ‘best’ innovative lifelong learning programs and ‘worst’ practice, and factors behind them;- Catalogue of Skills and Competencies, made after the analysis the needs of trainers/ teachers;- New training curricula addressing the needs and learning opportunities of trainers, teachers and older adultscounsellors;- Identification of new skills and competences for VET teachers, trainers and other learning facilitators;- Definition of a vocational expert profile: a contribution to foster an European standard and certification.After assuring the pan-European visibility (trough the website of the Project and the distribution of the multimediacompendium, in 28 countries), the pan-European impact of the project will rely upon the Marketing andDissemination Plans. These include the enrolment of all Networks and working Groups, where the partners participateor are members and a Final Conference in Brussels to specific decision-makers.
