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Together for change
Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 30 janv. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Project '' Together for change '' took place in Krakow, lasted 18 months, whereas the activities of volunteers in host organisations lasted 10 months. Four volunteers took part in the project - Nathalie from Germany, Teresa from Spain, Alberto from Italy and Lavinia Miclea from Romania. Their 10 months of volunteering was organised in Krakow, in two institutions dealing with people with disabilities - Special School No. 11 and Association Gaudium et Spes. Volunteers in the project promoted building of inclusive environment, based on the community ‘s participation, democracy, solidarity and partnership, respecting the subjectivity of each individual. Volunteers from Germany and Spain were conducting their voluntary service in Gaudium et Spes in vocational and social rehabilitation of people with intellectual disabilities that enables them to acquire the relevant knowledge and skills needed to function independently in society. Rehabilitation was carried out in workshops related to: computing, art, carpentry and conservation, tailoring, handicrafts, household and languages. Volunteers from Romania and Italy will were assisting teachers and therapists in Special School number 11. They worked with children and young people with different kinds of physical and intellectual disability. The school consists of elementary school, junior high and high school in which pupils with different levels of intellectual disability have classes to help them function in everyday life. Volunteers organised a special mini – project - meetings with the staff of institutions and people with disabilities, where they exchanged examples of work towards inclusion of disabled people. Volunteers organized short performerance "Together for change”, which were perferomeded in two branches of the Special School nr 11 during the celebration of Children's Day and also in Gaudium et Spes Associacion. Participation in the project increased the social willingness of volunteers to engaged in civil society, encouraged them to learn languages and showed the possibilities of taking up activities and work in other European countries. It also enabled a better understanding of previously unknown cultures. Moreover, the project was designed in a manner that helped volunteers learn new skills and competencies in an non formal way, so as to develop basic skills and increase a sense of social responsibility and self-awareness concerning their rights.



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6 Participants partenaires