Rechercher des projets européens

"Το ευρωπαϊκό όραμα για το σχολείο μας"
Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The 4th General Lyceum of Kalamata during the period 01/10/2014 to 30/09/2015, has carried out the mobility project entitled ?The European vision for our school? within the frame of the European program Erasmus + / KA1-Strategic Partnerships for School Education staff. This project was born from the needs of the school itself and its educators. The three pillars on which the project was based, and which corresponded to an evaluative prioritization of the school needs, were: the improvement of the school's digital equipment, improvement of teaching methods and ways of organizing learning and the enhancement of the school's European orientation. According to the above mentioned lines, the objectives of the project were identified as well. Thus, after the completion of the project, our initial goals were our educators to have achieved a higher level of skills in the implementing teaching methods, the school?s digital infrastructure to be in an improvement process, and our school to become more open and more European. Having all these goals in mind, we started planning all the activities related with our project. Soon after, the implementation of the project followed. In the end, the evaluation process took place and new targets for future projects were identified. Six teachers of the 4th Geniko Lykeio of Kalamata were involved in the project. All of them are teachers who do not hesitate to attempt innovation in their own teaching. The subjects they teach are Ancient and Modern Greek Language, Ancient and Modern Greek Literature, History and English. One of them took part in a job shadowing activity, and the rest five took part in structured training courses. In all activities new technologies were widely used and ways for implementing them creatively in the educational process were presented. The experiential workshop and brainstorming, the teamwork learning, the problem-based learning and observation, the mobile learning are some of the methods which were used during the training activities. Our teachers, using such modern methods of learning, approached the issues of their activities, which were: The teaching method of the Ancient Greek in the education system of Italy, the Human Resource Management in Education, the pedagogical use and digital resources in European school collaboration projects, the Creativity in Teaching and Learning using ICT-The Digital Classroom and Reading the City, which is about exploring cultural heritage aspects that may exist in an urban landscape and their exploitation in the educational process. The results were very significant. All teachers improved their skills, such as digital, linguistic, social and metacognitive skills, and skills in taking initiatives. Besides, all teachers strengthened their professional conscience and their European orientation. All these benefits have had an impact on the rest school staff, but also on the students and the local education authorities. The most important is that the project resulted in creating a European development plan for our school, which includes the following initiatives: the school to start organizing partnerships with schools from other European countries in the context of Erasmus+ and e-Twinning programs, teachers to take more initiatives for the implementation of interdisciplinary programs to enrich the curriculum, school authorities to support school in order for it to improve its digital equipment.



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