Rechercher des projets européens

Theater muss wie Feuer sein (Theatre has to be like Fire)

The Theaterpädagogisches Zentrum der Emsländischen Landschaft e.V. (TPZ) Lingen is an academy for theatre, dance, and circus arts in Germany, whose aim is to enable the participation of youth in cultural activities, to cross cultural boundaries and to enhance intercultural dialogue and European awareness. The project centred on intercultural learning and brought together people of all ages, cultures and ability. TPZ focuses mainly on workshops, courses and advanced education. In addition, the theatre academy organises regional, national, and international festivals, such as the World Festival of Children’s Theatre, and the International Festival of Senses, an event for people with and without disabilities. Hanna, a volunteer from Estonia, assisted in a wide range of courses and workshops for TPZ. She was especially involved in the circus groups for children and youth, as well as actively participating in the rehearsals of a senior drama group. She assisted a group of students from the University for Applied Sciences called “Kaffeekommune” which organises cultural events in the Professorenhaus – a TPZ residence. Hanna also took over the stage direction of a show entitled “YOUMEDOO! – a Magic Meeting Show” and assisted in organising the European symposium “Amateurtheatre – A multi-generational model in European comparison” where she had the honour of welcoming the President of the European Parliament, Dr Hans-Gert Pöttering.
