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The Year of Inclusion
Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

In the framework of the European economical crisis it is always more needed to offer opportunities of social inclusion for disadvantaged youth. The present project is a comprehensive organic action based on a multiplied principle, aimed at developing processes of social inclusion for European Youth. Around 70 participants will participate to the project, coming from 12 different countries. The project is made of 5 phases, each one linked closely to the previous one and unified by the common goal. FIRST SEMINAR: The seminar in February 2015, will be aimed at focusing on the tools to include youth with fewer opportunities in activities of volunteering and active citizenship, other than the traditional youth exchanges. Examples of such activities are volunteering camps, public initiatives etc. One third of participants will be with fewer opportunities. JOB SHADOWING: Two Youth Workers will be included in the National Secretary of SCI and at the Città dell'Utopia, with the aim of fostering and promoting the activities of social inclusion, in particular on active citizenship and on the link between the recognition of citizenship and the process of social inclusion for disadvantaged people. The Youth Workers will support the phases of the project related to Leader Training and Youth Exchange, facilitating communication, elaboration of contents and logistic. LEADER TRAINING: It will be organized in Rome, in April 2015. It will be aimed at training for youth that can be group leaders and coordinators in exchanges for youth with fewer opportunities. Half of participants will be with fewer opportunities, or youth who already partecipated in youth exchanges. YOUTH EXCHANGE: The exchange, to be held in July 2015, will be focused on the theme of environmental education and sustainability, conceived as tools of participation and active citizenship. The exchange will take place in Catania area, in a sensitive and problematic context that can be enforced and enriched by the exchange. 2/3 of youth will be coming from disadvantaged groups and they will be selected within the contacts we have with social workers and cooperatives. FINAL EVALUATION SEMINAR: it will not only aim to evaluate the work done by participants and partners, but also to make young people aware of the skills learned, the training process conducted and the multiplier implemented in their own way of life and professional path. Methodology: The project is based on the principles of non formal education, therefore each phase will be focused on needs of learners, and will be organized in a participative and horizontal way, fostering interaction and activation of participants. The tools will be the typical of such a method, roleplays, video screening, Forum Theatre, brainstorming etc. Results can be measured at multiplied levels, through questionnaires and interviews to project participants. Participants to seminar and LT will have capacities and tools to develop and to implement in sending organizations. Organizations will be enforced both in terms of capacities acquired and in terms of better cooperation. Job Shadowing participants will grow capacities, knowledge, creativity, thanks to many activities where they will be involved. Youth Exchange participants will have increased awareness of the environment, while they will be empowered as to get out of the social disadvantage they live in. Communities where the project take place will have a consistent benefit, since in each phase it is foreseen a public initiative, as to make project subjects a common benefit for the area around. Impact and long term benefit. The project is based on a multiplying principle. Partner associations will have the benefit of youngsters that will be inserted in their activities with renewed capacities and tools. Thanks to their contribution they will be able to expand and widen their activities in the social inclusion sector, and they will enforce their network of relationships with other organizations of the field.



12 Participants partenaires