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The tetrahedron - organization and implementation of a specialistic course about Diversity management aimed at immigrants, women and disadvantaged groups in general
Date du début: 1 oct. 2009,

The present multi-purpose training proposal aims specifically to improve adult education systems through the development of innovation and good practices related to the field of enterprise management and control, in strong partnership and consultation with local institutions, private companies, migrants associations and universities in Europe. Since the proposal will provide courses with a high content of knowledge, the participants will be intended, as a while, both beneficiaries and active contributors to the economic and social development. At a purely accounting training, there will be provided some contents related to business strategies and policies, management and control, financial planning. In practical terms Tetra proposes an e-learning training package and pilot delivery of medium-high level, in order to build or enhance the (cultural and technical) capacity of interested individuals among vulnerable groups to define and plan a business idea, as well as to start a micro enterprise and manage it efficiently and in accordance with existing regulations. This will be based on a careful needs assessment exercise that will be conducted by the research and policy-advice center Nomisma, which will act as sub-contractor in strong cooperation with Arcadia onlus and COGNAI. A specific software support will be created, tested and evaluated through 4 pilot project and tailored on specific needs of individual vulnerable groups (between the potential ones: immigrants, women, disabled and disadvantaged people in general, with a focus on the elderly and the unemployed). The participation of universities and certified training centers in Tetra ensures that the training package and course attendance are qualify for training certification; national partners will take care of the training recognition as per their national regulations.



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