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The secret COoPeration. Youngsters in action for t..
The secret COoPeration. Youngsters in action for the climate.
Date du début: 1 juin 2016,
Date de fin: 31 mai 2018
Every year, when fall turns into winter, toppoliticians from around the globe gather to discuss how we should battle climate change. This, literally, hot issue is also on the minds of young people around the world as research shows: young people want to take action against climate change but they don’t know how.Organizations like Climates and Globelink therefore keep it on top of their agendas. The cooperation between our organisations started in the fall of 2015 with the pilot project of the Secret COoPeration (with the COP 21 in perspective).In 2016 and 2017 10 French and 10 Flemish youngsters will sign up as a secret COP and engage themselves to work for and promote the ‘Secret COoPeration. This secret society strives to inform and mobilize other youngsters to work against climate change.These core groups will meet each other during 3 exchange weekends. At the end of each exchange weekend the 2 groups will have decided what they will do in between the weekends in their own country/city. Climates and Globelink will guide ‘their’ youngsters through these assignments.1) Weekend 1: Teambuilding and ‘themebath’The two groups meet for the first time in one of the two countries, dig into the topic climate change by means of dynamic methods. At the end of this first weekend they have chosen their subtheme (e.g. energy, climate refugees, …).‘Homework’: National researchBefore the next meeting each group has to become ‘experts’ in the chosen subtheme and organize a survey of some sort among their peers. Thirdly, the group prepares a presentation about the outcomes of their survey for their counterparts in Paris or Flanders.2) Weekend 2: ActiontrainingAfter exchanging their findings based on the survey and a brainstorm on the way to spread these messages (a product), they will be prepared for battle. In other words, they will prepare their public action and promotion plan.‘Homework’: Action timeRealization of the product, the call to action and the public action to disseminate the opinion of the surveyed youngsters and raise awareness on the coming COP 23.3) Weekend 3: Climate-ambassadorsDuring this last meeting the secret COP’s exchange their action experiences and the outcomes of the COP of that year in order to prepare the last phase: their ambassadorship and outreach activities towards other youngsters.‘Homework’: Ambassadors on the roadIn this last phase of the project, the members of the secret COoPeration hit the road. The aim is that they share their experiences in climate action with other youngsters to raise awareness and stimulate them to follow in their footsteps.The methodology:The theoretical background can be summarized by the principles of education for sustainable development: Through (new) knowledge and tools to stimulate systems thinking we (Globelink and Climates) want to enable youngsters to develop their own values and opinions on climate change so that they are ready and eager to take action.Summarizing: the results, impact and long term benefitsIn short, this project will reach a core group of about 20 young people who will turn into climate-ambassadors based on a concrete action experience. Along the way they will involve a lot more of their peers so that the voice of this generation is heard in the fight against climate change.In the long run this project will increase the awareness on climate change among young people and show them that there are ways to take action.
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