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The more effective challange for our youth in Euro..
The more effective challange for our youth in Europe
Date du début: 1 juin 2016,
Date de fin: 31 mai 2017
The HLW St. Peter is a private bilingual Secondary College for Occupation in the Service Industries, located in St. Jakob/Rosental.The project " The more effective challange for our youth in Europe" which the parents association of the HLW St. Peter applied for aims at the completion of the compulsory 12-week traineeship of the participanting students in the work area “kitchen and service“ in establishments in various EU countries.The participants are 9 students that will have completed the 3rd class of the HLW St. Peter before the beginning of the traineeship in June 2016.Seven partner establishments in Slovenia (Istrabenz turizem, Hit Alipnea) and Germany (Käfer GmbH, City Partner Hotel "Alter Speicher", Hotel "Das Ludwig", Best Western Berghotel Rehlegg, Bester Western Premier Hotel Villa Stokkum) are participating in this project. All our partner establishments are gastronomic undertakings. The HLW St. Peter puts great emphasis on professional and contemporary schooling and training for all of its students. The profile of our partner establishments complies with the educational profile of the HLW St. Peter.By taking part in the Erasmus Funding Programme, the students will consolidate and perfect their foreign language skills and professional competence. Moreover, they will get to know the culture and people of their host countries enabling them to build a network of both professional and private relationships.
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