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The Language and Culture of France
Date du début: 14 oct. 2014,
Date de fin: 13 oct. 2016
Having completed a languages audit, as a whole staff we have established that our knowledge of French language and our confidence to speak, read and write in French are a barrier to further developing the children's French language skills.
We have also identified the need to alter our cross-curricular topics to encompass the new content, skills and concepts contained within the New National Curriculum, particularly in geography, history and citizenship, and the need to help children to see themselves as European citizens, linked to Europe and a part of Europe.
Our objectives are to raise the standards of the teaching and learning of French within our school and to help our children to become aware of themselves as European citizens.
We intend that 7 members of staff, including teachers and teaching assistants, who will all be involved in teaching French and who are all very enthusiastic about the project, will participate in 8 day immersion courses in France, the first 3 of which will be provided and supported by PQ France. We will also make a link with a French school which will last into the future.
We envisage that the increased quality of our teaching will result in our children becoming confident and competent French language learners who enjoy the language and who enjoy discovering the culture of France. They will develop as European citizens.
This project will have considerable long term benefits, including establishing French language within our school, creating a link with a school in France, developing the link with our local high school, improving our curriculum and teaching not just in French but across other subjects.
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Bonjour, vous êtes sur la plateforme Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur dédiée aux programmes thématiques et de coopération territoriale. Une équipe d’experts vous accompagne dans vos recherches de financements.
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