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The Extra Mile
Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

‘The Extra Mile’ is a long term EVS project which focuses on young people with fewer opportunities in order to give them a chance to improve their professional and personal skills while doing their EVS tasks in Olde Vechte foundation in Ommen, The Netherlands. During the EVS placement the volunteers will gain skills, competences and knowledge regarding current needs on the European labour market and how they can implement them in their home countries in order to create fulfilment in their life after the EVS placement. The EVS activities consist mainly of running the foundation of Olde Vechte and all its projects and gaining skills in trainership and project management.Olde Vechte applies for 7 volunteers. All of the volunteers will stay for 12 months. The placement date for these volunteers will be from 1st of September 2016 till 31st of August 2017. The volunteers are coming from Georgia, Cyprus, Romania, Greece and Hungary.The theme of the project is employability through learning by experience method. The objectives for the project are:• To improve 7 young person’s personal and professional competences by doing 12 months EVS.• To let Olde Vechte being run by 7 international volunteers in order to share this experience with other organisations.• To describe the method 'contextual learning' at the end of the project through a written report.• To create and disseminate a booklet on ‘how to get started with EVS projects’ to 60 organizations who want to get started with EVS.During doing different kind of activities in Olde Vechte the volunteers gain new skills and competences which will be applicable in their further careers. The volunteers are the creators of their own schemas of activities which suit their learning goals during the EVS placement.This project is aimed to young people with fewer opportunities which are facing different kind of obstacles in their daily life and who are fitting criteria of Erasmus+ programme.The final products of ‘The Extra Mile’ will be a report on how to create a context for an EVS volunteer in which learning will happen and how you can organise this in your own organisation and a booklet for new organisation which step-by-step describes on how to get started with EVS projects.



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