Up2Europe est un accélérateur d’idées pour des projets de coopération.
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Teknoloji + Donanımlı Öğretmen = Eğitimde Kalite
Date du début: 31 déc. 2015,
Date de fin: 30 déc. 2016
In today’s world in which technology develops at an enormous rate, keeping up with the technology is quite difficult. Especially, the educational materials are developing as fast as the speed of light. Because our institution adopts the view of “Further and Furthest Development”, we are a family that can observe and use developing technology, lead the other institutions in the region, educate students who can speak at least one foreign language and has the ability of free and modern thought. In order to maintain the liveliness of these features mentioned above and to keep its mission alive, some groups of development means are determined as follows;
*Having personnel that can participate in all types of international activities and can manage these activities
*Training professional and qualified personnel that can cooperate with partnerships abroad
*Synthesising the Curriculum of National Education with international education
*Pursueing international developments in the classes for the teaching purposes
*Encouraging school personnel to participate in in-service training programmes abroad
*Transfering methods used in-service training to our school and to adopt a more modern perspective of education
*Determining a language teaching strategy which focuses on basic language skills (reading-writing-speaking-listening) rather than grammar
*Improving foreign language skills of the personnel
*Improving the dialogue between different cultures and to promote respect towards different cultures
As mentioned before, our school possesses a noticeable amount of experience in EU projects. Our school aims to develop this experience to a “Further “extent via in-service training programmes. For this reason, after meeting with our teachers and assessing the pre-evaluation forms filled by our teachers, to participate in this project is thought to be highly important for their professional development. Sixteen (16) teachers who are open to development in their fields have been determined in a fair and democratic way after assessment of forms filled by them.
The aims of this project can be expressed as follows below;
*Providing knowledge and skills for teachers about how to use technology in classes
*Providing the personnel with general knowledge of information and communication technology (ICT) and its uses in different classes
*Introducing teacher Web 2.0 and the Internet and to equip them with current technology knowledge and skills
*Benefiting from the experiences and knowledge of teachers working in the same field and coming from different countries
*Helping the school personnel gain a team spirit sense via usage of information and communication technology
*To attain the most efficient strategy in education via usage of information and communication technology
*Seeing social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter and Whats up in a didactical sense and to boost motivation for foreign language learning via digital classrooms.
Via in-service training programmes, teachers are going to participate in different activities including socio-cultural activities, digital classroom, efficient usage of Web 2.0 in classes, usage of twitter and blogs for teaching, samples of class teaching, joining panel discussion from teachers coming from different countries. The knowledge and experience gained from these activities will be presented to the other teacher in our school and teachers of other school in a seminar. As a result, our school will have a versatile curriculum and a European perspective for class teaching will be adopted in a synthesis, which will lead to adoption of a more modern understanding of education.
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Bonjour, vous êtes sur la plateforme Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur dédiée aux programmes thématiques et de coopération territoriale. Une équipe d’experts vous accompagne dans vos recherches de financements.
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