Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 31 déc. 2015, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project consists of three main themes: Embracing new technological developments with education, following new teaching approaches and applying them to current education system and education on foreign language. The project aims at including new technological tools (laptop,tablet,computer,smart phone,usb,harddisc) to education and so,creating a brand new curriculum containing new technological developments and tools actively. Another goal of this project is to get insight into new teaching approaches (project, inquiry and task based approach,problem solving,state analysis and student centered teaching model) and including these approaches into lesson,annual and strategic plans. Another point is to learn foreign language to such a degree that four main skills (listening,reading,writing and speaking) can be used effectively. 4 teachers will participate in course. While choosing participants, their interest and wish for the project, being active and adaptable to team work,suitability for their profession, using for producing new projects (KA2) and disseminating (in service training, presentation)their skills,knowledge and experiences they had from the activities, their level of foreign language were taken into consideration. The project will be held in France . The activity will give information about new teaching approaches. It will show how to integrate these new methods into teaching process and curriculum. The course will also focus on the new teaching approaches such as task based learning,project based learning,inquiry based type,problem solving,state analysis, learning to learning. The activity deals with using web tools and other information communication technologies in education environment. Participants will be educated concerning how to use these innovative tools (internet,social media tools, tablet, laptop, computer and android applications) during teaching process. Besides, course will give information of using office programmes (word,excel,powerpoint) effectively on pre-teaching(powerpoint presentation), teaching and post teaching (evaluation sheet,test). Participants will be informed about using software programmes (moodle,prezi,blog) which are very useful for preparing lesson materials. The course also aims at using foreign language and technology while teaching the subject. The participants will learn how to teach a subject related to their profession by using foreign language and technological devices. They will be able to search the sources written in foreign language and adapt them to their teaching process. The participants will involve in learning process actively. In other words, the courses will be student centered and practical. In every step of teaching process (pre,while,post teaching), participants will prepare self assessment journaling and reports which analyse development of each participant. Materials which are necessary for better learning will be provided by course providers. At the end of the course, participants will create a product such as project, presentation. The participants will get insight into new teaching methods, and also new technological innovations. They will create new annual lesson plan or daily plan combining new teaching methods with education technology. In long term, they will be produce a new curriculum with the help of new educational and technological innovations. They will make use of new technological tools (mobile phone applications, tablet, laptop, facebook, twitter, blog, forum, vs.) in lessons. New teaching methods (project and inquiry based approach,problem solving,state analysis)will be used by teaching the subjects/topics actively.

