Rechercher des projets européens

Technologie informacyjne w nowoczesnym kształceniu obywateli zjednoczonej Europy
Date du début: 31 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The most essential goal and ambition of Gimnazjum number 2 in Czeladź is to educate the citizens of united Europe in a way that meets the requirements of modern contemporary world. On account of this our school is going to introduce into the curricula that are used here, totally new methods and techniques based on the use of the newest technical achievements in the form of ICT tools. These tools have major impact on the improving learning process and adapting it to the new coditions connected with today's reality. Modernisation of the teaching and learning process has been planned in great detail and will be accomplished mainly through taking part in the series of teachers' courses in the Exectutive Training Institute in Malta. Additionally the teachers will be included in job shadowing in The Private Grammar and Modern Schools in Cyprus - our partner insitution. The amount of teachers involved in the activities is cosiderable (14). That is why it is assumed that the knowledge and skills which will be gained, are going to be spread among the rest of the teachers working in our school. All the teachers will definitelly participate in introducing ICT tools and making use of them during the realization of special pilot projects which will be run through using ICT in teaching different gropus of subjects: the liberal arts and the science but also foreign languages and others. We are also expecting to gain long-lasting benefits in the form of skills and competence in the field of modern tools in teaching, and additionally desirable enterprising attitude and proper approach to changes that can be used in future. Still the most valuable result of carrying out this project work is predicted to be the fact that our actions will lead to raising students' motivation to acquiring knowledge and developing their talents by means of adjusting teaching methods to their tastes and capabilitis. It all will be reflected in the results of our students in gimnazjum final exams. Additionally all the results and benefits gained during the realization of the main actions will be disseminated and promoted among other teachers from the nearest schools. In that way most of them may use our experiences in their future actions connected with passing down the knowledge to younger generations. We hope it will cause considerable changes in all educational insitutions in our town, district and country.



1 Participants partenaires