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Teach TW0 - Teach To Waste 0
Date de fin: 30 mai 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

TEACH TW0 project aims at transferring outcomes and tools realised within the U.E. Programme SAVE by the project TEACH, promoted and implemented by Energy Agencies of Italy, Austria, Ireland and by Schools and other Cultural Institutions. The main goal of TEACH TW0 is to foster the adoption of a Methodology of Energy Analysis in cooperation with European school students. All partners involved can contribute to the development and consolidation of a network of Schools in Italy, Latvia and Greece aimed at: promoting the awareness and education on Energy save, implementing energy analysis for the efficient energy use; fostering the experiences transnational exchange. The realisation of Energy balances within Schools implies the implementation of a programme foreseeing: the collection of Schools physical and energy data, the realisation of Schools Energy Audit and the identification of potential intervention measures. The Audit, in particular, represents a procedure through which make a self-diagnosis of the School system and produce an Energy report where priorities, needs, emergencies and ad hoc interventions are suggested. Beneficiaries of the action are the Schools and the Education Institutions, that will be provided with practical tools functional to design an energy recovery plan to be adopted by the School buildings that have been checked. TEACH TW0 will directly involve around 150 teachers, 2.500 students and 150 family representatives and will realise 50 energy balances of European schools.



5 Participants partenaires