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Take Care Project: Healthcare Language Guide for Migrants
Date du début: 1 nov. 2012,

Being healthy is one of the most important preconditions for an individual to live happily and function normally in his/her everyday life. If an individual feels ill or suffers from a disease s/he goes to see a doctor and gets medical treatment. Migrants, however, who do not speak the host country language sufficiently, experience real communication problems when they need medical help. In times of increasing human mobility around the world and especially in the EU, more and more people face this problem. Take Care Project aims to: - help migrants to improve their knowledge about health matters in host country language;- make health care more accessible for migrants and improve their integration;- create a European wide network of associated partners such as migrant communities, (volunteer) organizations supporting the integration and welfare of migrants, adult educational institutes, health care providers in order to facilitate them with innovative learning materials and methods and motivate them to exploit further the project products approaching migrants as final beneficiaries;- contribute to intercultural communication.Main outputs are a methodology for providing language skills and information on health care in an innovative way based on migrants’ needs and experiences and a Healthcare Language Guide for Migrants (paper-based, digital and a web site) containing basic language learning materials in 8 languages, a medical glossary in 17 languages and a ‘medical route’ to health care utilizations in the host country. The project will impact on:- migrants who will be involved in language learning activities and provided a Healthcare Language Guide for Migrants;- organizations supporting migrants’ integration which will be able to use the project products when helping migrants;- adult educational institutes which will use the teaching methods;- healthcare providers and general public who will use the guide and the web site as an in-formal way of learning.



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7 Participants partenaires