Rechercher des projets européens

Szkoła z klasą - profesjonalny nauczyciel
Date du début: 31 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The Meritum Technical and Grammar Secondary School is a school with traditions that have helped it to receive different certificates, including “The School of Excellence 2.0”. “The School that Develops New Talents”Certificates. The Mission, Vision and Plan of our School Development are to promote the steady growth of our students by relying on developing the key competences that are necessary to make the most of their talents and social skills. The Plan of European Development of our School constitutes an integral part of all of the activities that have been initiated by the Meritum School in order to ensure a quality education for our students. By entering the Erasmus Plus Programme, we aim to further develop our school, both academically and organizationally. We intend to enhance the profile of a professional teacher, and therefore the Project in the Meritum School is called “The School of Excellence-a professional teacher”. By creating the project, we aim to improve our knowledge and obtain new qualifications, which should allow the teachers to win the respect of the students even more. As a result of this, the students in the Meritum School will be more successful. The teachers who are involved in the completion of this Project represent the different Subject Committees working in our school. Within this group there are ten teachers, including a teacher of physics and mathematics; a teacher of biology and English; a teacher of computer science; a teacher of Polish and cultural knowledge; teachers of English and some others. It is necessary to point out that most of the teachers are qualified to teach two subjects. The teachers mentioned are engaged in the life of the school and perform some extra duties, for instance they are in charge of school clubs, the School Student Government and the “Merit” Young Volunteer Club. Some teachers are also involved in scouting. All of them are actively engaged in the local community and are the co-founders of the “Pro-Meritum” Social-Educational Charitable Association. By joining the Project, the teachers will improve their language skills through their participation in different English language courses (traditional and e-learning courses). They are also planning to prepare themselves culturally; they will learn about the history of the country where their training will take place. Moreover, they will prepare a presentation promoting our country, region and our school. The language courses that the teachers will be involved in, lesson observations and participation in the life of some British schools will allow the Meritum community to further develop quality education. Acquired skills and new qualifications should help us to realize our educational tasks more effectively as we will be able to create a core group of classes that will be taught in English so that we can open a CLIL class soon. Also, the results of matura exams should improve and our students will learn to cope better both in the educational market and job market.As a result of our activities, we will allow the school community to enhance quality education by implementing varied, newly-learned methods in their work with students. The Project will make us more sensitive to the problems of less motivated students, especially those who have a problem with school attendance and are considering dropping out of school. We also intend to show our students their own developmental journeys, both in terms of their personal life and professional career (further education, e.g., studies or taking up a job) in accordance with their abilities through implementing different aids and tools. From our perspective, a professional teacher is a coach who stands by their students, supports them, stimulates their development and gives them advice and helps when a problem arises. Being actively involved in the Project and training courses should lead to increasing the quality of our school work, and as a result this should strengthen the status of the Meritum School in the local community. We intend to prepare workshops for our students about the opportunities that this Programme creates. By initiating the cooperation with teachers from other European countries, we are planning to start international activities, for example, we are considering creating a project within the KA2. Cooperating with teachers over the multimedia platform we will share our experiences and ideas. This will allow the criteria for interdisciplinary teaching. Our tasks will keep building our sense of a European identity, openness to otherness and tolerance, respect for human rights and democracy in the Meritum community. Hopefully, thanks to our engagement, our students, and then our graduates, and their parents, as well as the local community and we ourselves will continue striving to meet the highest possible standards in terms of continuous personal development, life-long training and a willingness to broaden our knowledge about Europe.