Rechercher des projets européens

Sustainable organisations
Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The promoters of the project Sustainable organisations are Léo Lagrange NORD-Ile de France, Asociatia EIVA Roumanie and Volunteer Centre Skopje motivated to develop a training for youth workers aiming to improve their competences related to organizational sustainability. The aim of the project are related to developing training for 21 youth workers from France, Romania and FYROM in order to support them to:1) Identifying specific needs regarding co-funding of E+ projects and complementary funding sources2) Attracting material and financial co-funders for E+ projects3) Managing donor stakeholders for E+ projectsAs learning outcomes of the training activity we have foreseen:(1) developed competences related to identifying financial resources besides the EU funds in order to sustain youth activities in their communities/ useful behaviors connected with fundraising abilities(2) a better knowledge related to the fundraising methodologies in different countries in the field of youth(3) adopting pragmatic solutions in order to facilitate the access to resources for youth organizations, besides the public funds(4) developing a stronger motivation in terms of professional development and success for the youth workers involved(5) a better access to good practices in field of organizational management and sustainabilityThe mobility activity will be implemented between 14 – 26 February 2017 in Saint Martin (France) with the participation of 21 youth workers from the project’s countries. The impact on participants and promoting organizations will consist in: - key competences for the youth workers involved in relation with a sustainable management for their youth organisations- useful practices to be adopted in order to develop public campaigns, youth events and CSR events- collaboration on long term between youth organisations from the project countries- producing impact on French organisations from Département d'outre-mer - Territoire d'outre-mer through involving youth workers from hysolated areas of EU in the training activity within SUSTAINABLE ORGANISATIONS.



2 Participants partenaires