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European Projects
Sustainable Operations Network in the Danube Regio.. (SONDAR+)
Sustainable Operations Network in the Danube Region
Date du début: 31 oct. 2015,
Date de fin: 29 juin 2016
30 years strategic partnership within ARGE Donauländer + 4 ETC-projects built the SONDAR network: 17 CZ-SK-HU-AT institutions; about 1000 municipalities and schools reached; bestpractice in science, alliance and awareness for municipalities, farmers, enterprises, schools.At the base of LowerAustrian Science Strategy, SONDAR+ is up to strengthen and widen SUSTAINABLE OPERATIONS between science, local and regional alliances, schools and the public to all Danube Countries. Initiatives and best practice will be arranged to protect soil and restore biodiversity (Soil-biodiversity-map, harmonised Soilinformations for Public and Stakeholders = to preserve cultural heritage and natural values = Heritage Training- & Know-How-Stations = biodiversity-Soil-Plants = Soil & Sustainability Ambassador programme = Soilart for schools, artists and municipalities = scientific guidance by LASW)Starting with World Soil Day 3.12.2015 SONDAR+ will work as a strategic Clusternet for practical implementation of transnational tools and services. Output and value will be the Soil-biodiversity-Map with Information tools / establishment of green-jobs in cooperation with social institutions and at "labourmarket 1.1"/ Implementing the Tool "painting with the colours of the earth" in the entire danube region / Heritage Stations and Trainings / Know-How-Transfer / Experts Meetings / Conferences / Best-Practice Examples / excursionsestimatet value about 2,5 Mio. € Expected Results: Clear concept of SONDAR+ with defined Partners / Budget / Funding Option / finished and sumbitted Projectapplication.Developed concept for the "danube region - paintingbox"Developed concept for the "Soil biodiversity Map - Unified Soil Map central Europe"The benefit for the different target groups:elaborate together with scientific institutions different Soil- functions /-issues /-topics.Put across difficult Scientific-topics to Stakeholders, Farmers, Schools, Municipalities, Regions with easy tools (e.g. soilcolour painting)The benefit for PA6: a milestone project wich contributes to Target2, Action12, and Actions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16The partnership will be strengthend through the common activities and the searching for new partners in the Danube Countries is backboned by ARGE Donau network, meetings (Workshops, conferences,…) and 8 month get-together in the START phase.
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