Rechercher des projets européens

Sustainable lifestyle and Permaculture
Date du début: 5 mai 2015, Date de fin: 4 juil. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The Slovak NGO PHZ is going to host one volunteer from Romania for 12 months. The volunteer will be part of a standing small group of EVS volunteers, helping with the management of a little farm open to visitors and volunteers, mainly young people from various European countries, who come to experience a sustainable life close to nature and learn basic skills that are connected with it. The EVS volunteer will welcome and coordinate these guests and work together with them on various tasks directly related to the place they live in. The volunteer will be co-organizing and participating in the monthly craft workshops that take place at this farm. Through hands-on experience the volunteer will gain a wide range of practical skills that are essential for a sustainable farm management, rooted in both traditions and permaculture principles. He will learn how to grow vegetables, prepare and preserve food, take care of small farm animals. Moreover he will be involved in renovation and natural building work on the site, aswell as the landscape management of farm´s surroundings. The volunteer will have the opportunity to live a more sustainable lifestyle than the majority of western society. A life in a multicultural community will deepen his social skills and raise his cultural awareness. He will be guided by a supervisor and former volunteers, however the volunteer will be involved in the planning of activities and encouraged to take responsibilities for own projects. The project aims to help re-inventing life in the western world in terms of sustainability and resilience. By raising awareness of Global problems in ecology, economics and politics, aswell as awareness of cultural heritage and more ancient low-impact lifestyles we believe to contribute to a society of young, skilled, aware and both social and self-confident individuals.



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