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Sustainable development in cultural diversity: Europe-asia bridge for youth empowerment
Date du début: 21 déc. 2009,

This project brings together 15 youth organizations from Europe and Asia with the following objectives:-Empower young volunteers,-Stress the importance of sustainable development,-Promote cooperation and exchange of good practices in non formal education,-Foster mobility of young people and youth workers,-Become the starting point for a dialogue platform-Foster capacity building for youth organizations in Europe and Asia.It addresses directly two main priorities that are Mobilization vis a vis sustainable development and cultural diversity and subsequently two more indirectly working with people with fewer opportunities and boost participation of youngstersThe project is framed in three main themes that are» Youth contribution to the achievement of the millennium goal-Intercultural, interethnic and inter-religious dialogue» Strengthening of civil society, active citizenship and democracyit foresees three main group activities (a starting seminar, a training for youth leaders and an evaluationseminar) accompanied by parallel Steering Group meeting to monitor coherence and improvements of theproject. Besides, it envisages a summer phase in which organizations can exchange volunteers and visitpotential partners to boost Europe-Asia cooperation at bilateral and multilateral level.The venues are several countries both in Europe and Asia where group activities will be held (Cambodia,Vietnam and Estonia) or Where volunteers -will be hosted by a local organization (all partner organizationsand the main applicant).Each group activity will see 22 participants involved and during the summer phase we plan to mobilizearound 20 volunteers for a total of 85 young participants directly involved through mobility, plus at leastthree participants per organization that are involved locally in international projects. The number of youthworkers, trainers, specialists involved directly to the implementation of the project is around 25.The expected results of this project are : creation of multipliers, participation of less privileged youth, production of a handbook on sustainable development in cultural diversity empower youth and foster international mobility , foster a broader cooperation between Europe and Asia in the field of sustainable development and youth, and bridging the gap of experience and expertise that existed improving capacity of Asian organizationsThe dissemination of the results will have several dimensions: The handbook on sustainable development will be printed and distributed to the participating organizations; Along with the handbook, a final report, a photography exhibition and a short film will be made available but also burnt on a CD. Results, where possible, will be also spread within local communities in the countires involved to the project and the results and important outcomes of the projects will be dissiminated through two large regional networks of youth exchange and international voluntary service organisations The Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organsations and The Network for Voluntary Development in Asia (NVDA) and the global one Coordinating Committee of the International Voluntary Service (CCIVS) by UNESCO.This project is conceived to have an impact on several segments of the societies of the involved countries. Primary target in this case are youngsters who will be involved directly and indirectly in every stage of the project. A natural consequence is that also local communities would benefit from such project and they have to be considered as a target group. A third target group are local organizations, their leaders and volunteers. Certainly this project will have Impact to the international youth work in the countries involved. Finally, indirect, targets would be countries, and their societies, as a whole.



  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Coooperation with countries other than the neighbouring countries
  • Projet sur ERASMUS platform

14 Participants partenaires