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Date du début: 7 oct. 2012, Date de fin: 6 août 2014 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

This project aims at contributing to the cross-border development of the business environment and labour market in the context of sustainable development and is addressed to more than 500 economic agents from Bihor and Hajdu-Bihar County and includes all activity fields.The project represents a new method, in harmony with Europa 2020 and Danube Strategy, to support the economic agents in their effort to stay on the market. As a result of the project a joint centre will be established in Oradea having an Info Point in Debrecen. Besides offering guidance related to energy efficiency, sustainability, social responsibility, the centre will organise and facilitate a series of joint exhibitions, billateral meetings and workshops.Target groups: approximately 500 firms operating in Bihor and Hajdu-Bihar CountyMain activities and results of the project: implementation and operation of the centre for sustainable businesses; achieving the integrated strategy for business environment development and labour market in the context of sustainable development; the accomplishment and use of a joint web platform; connecting the services offered by the business support structures; workshops and bilateral meetings. Expected Results: Main activities and results of the project: implementation and operation of the centre for sustainable businesses; achieving the integrated strategy for business environment development and labour market in the context of sustainable development; the accomplishment and use of a joint web platform; connecting the services offered by the business support structures; workshops and bilateral meetings.



  • 83.1%   904 012,01
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Romania (HU-RO)
  • Projet sur KEEP platform
Projet Website

2 Participants partenaires