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Study of spin-transfer induced dynamics for CPP-MR.. (STRADY)
Study of spin-transfer induced dynamics for CPP-MR and RF oscillators applications
Date du début: 15 oct. 2007,
Date de fin: 14 avr. 2010
The trend in high-density magnetic recording technology is to replace the current-in-plane geometry in magnetoresistive (MR) heads for computer disk drives by the current-perpendicular-to-the-plane (CPP) configuration.The current densities used in the CPP -MR heads are of the same order of magnitude as the currents densities for which spin-torque induced magnetic excitations are observed. Such effects can generate noise and negatively influence the biasing of the device.On the other hand, recent experiments showed that a spin-polarized current can drive the magnetization of a layer into steady precessional modes inaccessible by applying magnetic fields. The spin-transfer induced magnetization dynamics has properties, which render it interesting for applications such as RF oscillators.The purpose of this project is to achieve a better understanding of spin-transfer induced dynamics and to address two important issues for microelectronics:- Minimize the effects of spin-transfer and propose a CPP-MR head architecture, which is not affected by spin induced parasitic noise.- Find the parameters which can maximize the output power and investigate different device architectures that could be interesting in view of a possible new design for microwave oscillators and other nanoelectronic devices exploiting spin-transfer induced phenomena.We propose the investigation of some highly original structures.The post-doc will be trained in the fabrication and the characterization of the samples. The Outgoing host organization has already developed the fabrication process and the necessary experimental setup, as well as appropriate theoretical models and simulation tools.The post-doc will benefit from working together with world-class specialists in the field. The return phase will be dedicated to improving the setup available at the Return host, transmitting the gained knowledge, and applying it to a wider basis of advanced materials.
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