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Date du début: 1 sept. 2015,
Date de fin: 31 août 2017
Key PointsThe European Union Center of Excellence (EUCE) at the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) proposes a Jean Monnet Project entitled, StimEUlate. The main objective of StimEUlate is to immerse educators and students at a range of educational levels in critical EU policy debates and dynamics. In addition, the programs aim to equip students and young professionals with knowledge of European Union subjects relevant for their academic lives and future careers, promote innovation in teaching and research, and improve the quality of professional training on EU subjects.These objectives will be met by three main activities: • Model EU – high school and college (yearly)The EUCE will run Model EU simulations at the secondary and university level. The expected outcomes of these events is an enhanced understanding of the EU and its policies, and increased interest in further EU study. • Graduate student conference for EU studies (yearly)The EUCE will host a yearly Graduate Student Conference on the EU. These conferences will be built around themes that reflect current challenges to the European Union and scholarly and policy debates among its constituents. Expected outcomes of this event are relationship building between graduate students and junior faculty, professional development, and critical feedback for student research.• A European STEM policy simulation for K – 16 teachers that can be adapted for their own classrooms (year 1)In Year 1 of the grant, the EUCE will host a teacher development workshop for K – 16 teachers. The workshop will provide educators with a unique way to bring the EU into the classroom through a simulation called, “Acid Rain and the European Environment, 1979-1989.” Participants will be able use the content within the context of their own curriculum.
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