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Still growing up
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"Still growing up" is a mobility project for 18 young people from vocational education (Trade, Event, Tourism and Secretariat), most of them come from a disadvantaged socio-economic background and they reveal a troubled relationship with School.They will be at the 3rd year of their vocational course: the training in companies is a fundamental part of their course and its successful completion is essential for the achievement of their studies."Still growing up" follows the line of previous Erasmus projects, that focuses on the success of each of its participants and, consequently, in the success of our institution.Most of our young people only know their city and its region. They have lack of motivation and goals. They have difficulties in designing their future. They need to understand that cultural diversity, tolerance and respect are fundamental, that responsibility is not only personal, but also social. They need to enhance and / or acquire skills and knowledge that promote their relationship with themselves, the others and the world.The contours of this mobility, the way it was defined, the conditions created and designed for participants are the leverage needed to fostering the proposed objectives.This project creates an ideal opportunity for personal and professional growth, as it has been in previous experiences, prominently positive. Their impact is gradually clear: increased motivation, greater commitment, greater commitment and sense of responsibility in most classes, because they want to have the chance to integrate an Erasmus +experience; significant increase in the number of enrollments in our school; greater involvement of Guardians/ parents; increased motivation of teachers, class counselors and course coordinators based on the results achieved to this date.It is expected that "Still growing up" strengthen the necessary motivation for everyone to face the future with consistency, commitment and satisfaction, ensuring as result a collective investment in the quality of our institution. The project includes two mobilities (Italy and Spain), which will take place from 09/01/2017 to 19/02/2017.Both mobilities aggregate workplacement in successful companies in its sector (trade, Events, Secretariat and Tourism), as well as cultural, social, linguistic (pre-preparation courses and on-site) and educational ( field trips) activities.In addition, the mobility in Italy will be complemented by research and study activities on the ground, supporting the international project BRIC for the promotion of tourism in developing countries.The whole experience will be evaluated and monitored either by the sending institution, either by the host one.The goal is to create an unique opportunity to experience the world of labor in an international context and to contact with other people and other cultures, as well as to acquire valuable tools for a personal and career-oriented success by fostering:- Employability;- Strengthening and / or acquisition of communication skills, social and relevant professionals skills in today´s world;- The adoption of ECVET;- Sustainable development of strong, cohesive and consistent personal values and citizenship.Thus, this project is, first of all, a proven instrument to combat underachievement and early school leaving. It is a way to promote equal opportunities, to rely on the capacities of participants and give them the necessary tools for their personal and professional success.That's why it is a project that promotes more and better education. It is an investment in the quality of our institution, in its competitiveness and openness to Europe and the world.


3 Participants partenaires