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Step Into EVS: Developing Competencies of Organizations to Host, Send and Coordinate EVS
Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

EVS (European Voluntary Services) is one the key activities of Erasmus + Programme giving young people, including those with fewer opportunities, unique opportunity to gain new competencies, increase self-esteem and self-confidence and contribute to the development of the communities in their sending and hosting countries. By the project ‘Step into EVS: Developing Competencies of Organizations to Host, Send and Coordinate EVS’ we aim to respond on the needs of organizations motivated to become sending/hosting/coordinating organizations of EVS volunteers and organization who already have accreditation and they are looking for opportunities to increase quality of their services in the EVS field. Project Goal:To raise quality of EVS (European Voluntary Service) in participating countries.Project Objectives: a) To increase participants understanding of Erasmus + Programme with special focus to be paid to EVS (European Voluntary Service);b) To develop participant’s knowledge of the process of accreditation as first step to take in the process of becoming sending, hosting or coordinating organization of EVS, to develop capacities of the organizations to prepare quality accreditation for EVS and successfully go through accreditation process;c) To increase participants’ knowledge of EVS project cycle and raise their competencies to create networks with other organizations, prepare EVS application for submission to National Agencies, being able to manage the EVS project and prepare final report;d) To raise competencies of the organizations to support EVS volunteer in his/her learning process and with his/her integration to new environment;e) To increase participant’s competencies (teamwork, leadership, communication, creativity) through participation in various non-formal based activities in intercultural settings that they can apply in the process of implementation EVS projects;f) To support development of new partnerships and networks aiming to create and implement quality EVS projects giving young people including young people with fewer opportunities an opportunity to make a difference.Project ‘Step into EVS: Developing Competencies of Organizations to Host, Send and Coordinate EVS’ consist from two mobility activities. In both activities will participate participants coming from following countries: Macedonia, Finland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden.In each activity will take part 32participants (youth workers, leaders, project coordinators and managers) strongly motivated to develop their competencies in EVS field. The project will also include people with fewer opportunities. Each partner will have responsibility to prepare 1 participant with fewer opportunities for each activity.Activity 1: training course host by Macedonian partner Volunteers Centre Skopje in Struga, Macedonia, dates of the activity: 20.7. - 27. 7. 2016 (excluding travel days). In the training course will participate 32 participants, from which there will be 2 Trainers and 1 support staff from Macedonia and 2 support staff and 1 Expert from Finland .Activity 2: study visit host by the applicant Maahanmuuttajien työ, koulutus ja kulttuuri ry in Espoo, Finland, dates of the activity: 1.3. - 7.3. 2017 (excluding travel days). In the study visit will participate 32 participants, from which there will be 2 Trainers and 1 support staff from Macedonia and 2 support staff and 1 Expert from Finland .Main aim of both activities is to develop capacities of the participants and organizations to provide quality EVS activities to young people including young people with fewer opportunities and to increase the quality of EVS in participating countries. Both of the activities will be based on non-formal methods and techniques and involved experts will pay attention by using various working methods to meet needs and expectations of the participants. The project will have strong impact on various levels especially on directly involved participants and participating organizations. Besides these groups, from the project will especially benefit organizations visited during the study visit that will have an opportunity to create new contacts and get to know practices from participant’s countries and also young people, including young people with fewer opportunities, coming from participating countries. They will benefit from quality EVS opportunities giving them an opportunity to develop their competencies.



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