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Standardisation of Point Absorber Wave Energy Convertors by Demonstration (STANDPOINT)
Date du début: 16 nov. 2009, Date de fin: 15 nov. 2014 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

In contrast to other renewable energy sources, wave energy conversion is currently at a stage of evolution where it is being demonstrated using a wide range of very diverse technologies and a de facto standard approach is yet to emerge. A fully functional, but reduced scale prototype Wavebob wave energy converter (WEC) has already been deployed in the Atlantic Ocean. STANDPOINT will seek to demonstrate this WEC technology at full size for a further long term Atlantic Ocean deployment, 12 months of which will occur within the timeframe of the STANDPOINT project. Unlike its smaller-scale scale predecessor, it is intended that this pre-commercial WEC will be grid-connected. The intended location for the deployment is off the Portuguese coast. The indicative dimensions of the WEC for a full-scale deployment in this part of the Atlantic are 14 m diameter, 40 m draft. The WEC will have a power take-off (PTO) using proven hydraulic technology and a newly developed and innovative switched reluctance generator technology will also be investigated. There are 6 partners from 5 member states, including a Certification Body who will develop and disseminate rules and guidelines for wave energy converters. Innovative SMEs (including the co-ordinator) will demonstrate recently patented technology, in which they lead the state-of-the-art. A large power generation company, and various sub-contractors will work together to implement this ambitious full-scale demonstration. The aim is to establish the offshore tuneable-resonance point absorber as the winning wave energy conversion technique by demonstrating the superiority of its power take-off technology, adaptability to changing sea conditions, reliability and survivability.



5 Participants partenaires