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Sport is a way of Life
Date du début: 15 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 14 déc. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The overall objective of our project is through practical activities to encourage young people to put more effort in sport activity and to lead an active lifestyle. Despite that, this project has a series of additional specific goals, aimed at improving participants’ skills and competences, fostering active participation in social life of local communities and people with fewer opportunities, multiplication of the results achieved by projects funded by Erasmus+ and others. The project idea was developed in the context of alarming evidences related to the low level of physical activity among young people reflected in a number of studies conducted on a national and European level and on the basis of the main objectives and priorities of the implemented policies set out in the strategic documents in the field of youth and sports.The planned YE “Sport is a way of life” aims to bring together 48 young people from 8 different countries – Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Spain from 11.03.2016 to 20.03.2016. The main target group of the project are youths in the age between 18 and 30 years old from 3 social groups (pupils, students and working youth) who do not do sport actively, but are willing to learn how to overcome the obstacles they face in their social environment preventing them from having active way of living and how to involve more sports and other physical activities in their daily life.The project activities will combine theory and practice with the main focus being concentrated on active outdoor sport activities such as daily sport games and competitions, participation in a mass sport event together with local schools, mountain hiking etc. In the theoretical activities widely spread is the methodology of the informal education.The expected results are targeted to acquisition/improvement of:- Knowledge, skills and attitudes in the field of sports and active way of life- Social skills and skills for intercultural dialogue and team work- Language knowledge- Initiative and self-discipline skills- Knowledge about “Erasmus+” programme- Partnership and building networks of intercultural contacts.We expect the project to render strong impact on the direct beneficiaries (the participants) and the participating beneficiaries, also to expand its scope, activating the local communities in the participating countries. A strong vertical dissemination of the impact is envisaged on local, regional, national and European level.During the development of the project idea the so called “snow ball effect” was set, as a result of which we aim to multiply the results of already realized projects and their upgrade to future initiatives to the topic, providing sustainability of the accomplished results in the medium- and the long-term.



7 Participants partenaires