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Sport for integration
Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"Sport for integration" is a project created by the guys of the "Centro studi e ricerca di tradizioni, canti e balli popolari gruppo folk Amastra" of Mistretta and the guys of the "SALTA" of Stockholm. The period of activity will last 9 days and will partecipate by 20 guys + 2 careers per group. The activities will be held in Mistretta at the Association "Amastra". The sports activities instead, at the municipal gym. With this project we will deal with the problem of social exclusion which many young people are victims and sport as a means to redeem themself. The goals we want to achieve with our project are: 1) promote active citizenship among young people with stimulating activities that could be training for themselves and the community in which they live; 2) promote intercultural knowledge and values like respect, solidarity and brotherhood; 3) promoting multilingualism; 4) promote confidence in themselves and in others due to the final event and the sports activities; 5) inculcate in young people the importance of sports in group as a means to combat social exclusion and to feel good physically and mentally, given the benefits that sport brings. All the skills and knowledge will be acquired thanks to a non-formal and informal learning following activities like role plays, workshops, informal conversations, brainstorming, which will enable young people to increase their personal and social education. The release of the Youthpass at the end of the exchange will witness the personal and social growth of each. The dissemination of the results with information flyers and with the final event will cause even external people can become aware of the benefits of sport against social exclusion and act accordingly.


1 Participants partenaires