Rechercher des projets européens

Sport for all
Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project is a transnational partnership a mix of NGOs and public bodies active in various areas 13 partenring organisations, but united in their aim to increase sport and physical activity for youth and adults from 8 different programme countries. The project is based on the common needs identified from the partnering organisations in the 8 countries to provide practical skills of the education, social care system staff, the public bodies at regional and local levels and the NGO as well as business representatives to plan and collaborate on partner projects for more sports and physical activities, or ones exploiting their potential to tackle the social, economic and environmental challenges we all share - as citizens and individuals. Improved will be also the knowledge and the information on the opportunities for sport volunteering, and the fact that sport is the universal tool incresing both the individual professional and presonal well-being, and developing qualities transferrable and useful to all spheres of the public life - in the professional and personal area, in increasing the staff efficiency and in boosting the business competitiveness, Increasing the awareness of the public authorities, the NGOs active in the fields of youth, sports and r stakeholders and individuals on the sport capacity to serve as an effective tool for social, economic and ecological solutions, defined as local and national priorities in the EU2020 strategy. Increasing the capacity, and cooperation, as well as the synergy with other EU strategies, relying on effective approaches for non-formal learning. The basic phases of the project include management, The preparation,dissemination phase and the implementation phase - 6 key activities, well-structured in tasks and with mature sample schedules so as to ensure the project goals achievement. More than 85 000 direct beneficiaries will be involved, and more than 2 500 000 indirect ones at 8 countries for more sports for any one.



10 Participants partenaires