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Sport and health oriented Kindergarten and after school care center
Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The Brandenburgische Sportjugend (Sports Youth Brandenburg) is an independent working youth organisation in the 'Sports Federation Brandenburg'. Its members are children and teenagers as well as their youth representatives who are organized in more than 2.500 sporting-clubs. It counts more than 137 thousand members under the age of 27. Therefore it is the largest youth association in the state of Brandenburg. The 'Brandenburgische Sportjugend' offers numerous projects regarding sport, youth-work and social-youth-work The ''Brandenburgische Sportjugend'' is going to act as the coordinating organisation in this project. The project foresees to host 7 volunteers from Hungary, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, Estonia and Spain in sport and health oriented Kindergartens and after school care centers in Potsdam, Falkensee and Brandenburg an der Havel for a period of 12 months. The Kindergartens and after school care centers is supervised by LSB SportService Brandenburg gGmbH, that was set up in August 2004 as a 100% subsidiary of the Brandenburgische Sportjugend. Organization's tasks are the acquisition of Kindergartens and after school care centers and providing them a profile of an exercise and movement oriented institution. LSB SportService Brandenburg gGmbH is our partner who will give support in the impementation of the EVS projects in the receiving organisations. The project foresees the integration of the volunteers in the "on the move and health orientated" program of the Kindergartens and after school care centers, which was developed by the Brandenburgische Sportjugend in co-operation with the Potsdam University. A new concept plans to fight motorial and development deficits at early child stage. Through everyday work and by supporting the pedagogues in their daily activities, volunteers gain insight into the concept of the sport and health oriented Kindergartens and after school care centers, help pedagogues with on the move exercises, communicate with children and lead them to the better consciousness for the health. Also, they have opportunity to organize their own projects, e.g. about their own country, culture, traditions, etc.The project is expected to offer the volunteer several non-formal and intercultural learning opportunities, as well as, learning-by-doing experiences. Plenty of skills can be learned in the field of of children education and spare time and outdoor activities through sport. Project aims to develop the sense of initiative, creativity, ability to plan and organize, proactive attitude, independent work and raise awareness about the issues at European level. By participating in the project young people improve their competences, learn new skills, develop their personality, as well as, increase their employability.



13 Participants partenaires