Rechercher des projets européens

Spice up Education
Date du début: 15 nov. 2016, Date de fin: 14 nov. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

By creating the project „Spice up your Education“, we were guided by the vision of school which would certainly like to become modernized, digitally skilled school, open to internationalization through participating in numerous European and international projects, we open the path for our teachers and students to prepare for innovative solutions of the problems in this dynamic time we live in. From the previous experiences of participating in the mobility projects and the possibilities we acquired by using e-Twinning portal, we realized that such forms of professional training have multiple benefits, not only for gaining new knowledge and skills, also give opportunity for experienced learning and building of the network in order to raise motivation and innovative thinking of the participants involved in the project as well as the personnel at school, parents and the local community. Therefore, our goal is to strengthen the management of the school itself through Structured study visits to other schools for the future support of the employees to this kind of professional training and gaining competences. Another goal of this project is learning about similarities and differences in educational systems through communication and contacts with colleagues from other European countries , and by that contact base create future platform for the exchange of experience and make new common projects. The third goal is the language competence , which participants should acquire and improve while being in foreign countries and by that neutralize possible linguistic barriers during participation in e-Twinning programme and Erasmus+ projects. Our project team consists of school 's headmistress and secretary, the librarian, who is at the same time coordinator of the project, one teacher who teaches grades from 1.-4., mathematics and physics teacher and two English and German teachers. All seven employees are conducting various activities assigned in the first phase, which improves team work and cooperation at school , with the purpose of high quality mobility implementation and positive school presentation in European countries. One part of preparations will be done by pupils' inclusion, for example in the preparation of presentations, in order to motivate them to take part in future projects. During the second phase duration of the planned project, all above mentioned participants are to participate in structured study visits and courses while other school members , pupils, parents and wider local community will be engaged in other planned activities. When we were deciding on the type of professional training we took into account needs of our school for internationalization as well as needs of our teachers for specific knowledges and skills that are compatible with the school development plan. Enriched school curriculum which includes digital skills and creating entrepreneurial thinking and internationalization. After completed mobilities, dissemination and evaluation would be conducted on a few target groups, including pupils, other teachers and school employees, parents, local community representatives (other schools, public and cultural institutions, the town of Osijek, Ministry representatives, colleagues from County professional council) and at the international level, through professional councils and KA2 strategic partnerships with other European schools and platforms like Twinspace. We believe that experience acquired through this project activities will be very useful for realizing school's European development plan and that through achieving project goals we will create modern school, with educated staff and competitive students on European market.

