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SPEAK UP! Time for You(th)
Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The situation which young people are facing today is exceptional. Society has advanced to such a level that offers all means of modern communication such as the internet, social networking, phone, accessible to almost everyone. From our daily experience in working with young people and from the data received from the partners, we find an alarming situation: young people are not able to express themselves clearly (even in their native language) so to highlight their benefits and competencies within society. In our activity we notice young people full of potential (skills. digital, artistic, cultural) that are highlighted simply because they do not know communicate and promote themselves. Informational society inhibited direct dialogue skills of communicating, sustaining a speech. Our project proposes a simple concept, unsophisticated, but essential in the current situation of young people "learn to communicate together." Many of the problems Europe today (discrimination, hatred) originate from the lack of dialogue and real communicatin with other cultures and lifestyles.Our project objectives are:O1. Develop key communication skills in English, structured dialogue, interpersonal and civic competences - tolerance and intelegere- for 45 youth and 28 youth workers from 6 European countries, aged 18-30 years, through active involvement in 2 mobility - training and youth exchange.O2. Improving skills for 28 youth workers on organizing coordinated actions (management activities. Non-formal learning to learn, interpersonal skills), through which they generate a multiplier effect among youth org. for their openness to dialogue, supporting standpoint, tolerance and active community involvement.O3. The inclusion in the project of 10 young people with fewer opportunities belonging. to minorities and imigrants, in order to establish links with marginalized young people on intercultural dialogue and tolerance.O4. Developing the capacity of the 6 partner organizations and youth workers active within these NGOs to cooperate within the European space in shares consistent, coordinated, to stimulate real dialogue between young people, empowering them to trust in themselves, to express themselves openly and directly.The project will be implemented over a period of 10 months, between August 1, 2016 - May 30, 2017, and will consist of two mobilities, as follows:1. Training course for youth workers, implemented between 1 to 9 October 2016 (9 days including travel) in the town of Ranca, jud. Gorj2. Youth Exchange, implemented between April 15 to 24, 2017 (10 days including travel), in Horezu, jud. ValceaWithin the activities will take part in a total of 73 participants (28 youth workers for the training course and 45 young people for the Youth Exchange). Our partners in the project are Stowarzyszenie Zmiana Tematu (Poland), Asociacija Aktyvus Jaunimas (Lithuania), Beyond Borders Corato (Italy), Asociacion Juvenil del Valle del Guadalhorce Accion Naranja (Spain) and European Integration Group (Turkey).Each mobility will be based on a complex methodology, divided into four stages as follows:1. Interaction and group cohesion2. Exploration and dialogue3. Creative Stage ( "Dialogue Concept")4. Follow-upThe results and impact of our project are quantified as follows:- 45 youth and 28 youth workers will benefit directly from the skills acquired , especially in the sphere of communication and structured dialogue- 45 youth and 28 youth workers will experience teamwork and communication in intercultural context , which will create the desire to participate in transnational youth activities and will increase the appetite for dialogue between young people after the project- 6 group leaders ( one from each partner) will improve coordination skills youth groups- 10 young people with fewer opportunities will come from the sphere of social isolation, will take contact with people and cultures , which contributes to personal development- Upon returning to local communities , young people have the ability to multiply non -formal methods applied in the project



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