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Spatial exploration of economic data - methods of interdisciplinary analytics
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2019 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Economic data analysis is a very important part in a decision making process. Nowadays, the importance of the geospatial component inherent with the most economic data is rapidly increasing. Therefore added value of bringing geospatial aspects in economic data analyses is highly appreciated. The project aims to share best practice across disciplinary and national boundaries. The project will ecnourage to develop a deep interdisciplinary cooperation and research sharing among the involved institutions in the field of economics and geomatics.The aim of this project is to improve students’ interdisciplinary skills by interconnecting different fields – economics, management, business informatics and (geo)informatics/geomatics. Students learn and adopt joint methodologies/techniques/tools and they serve as the actors in a simulation game-based learning. They will simulate economic/business analytics issues from the real world via games during short-term intensive courses and blended mobility in order to bring economics/business and (geo)information together. Students will be enrolled into the process to think, use, write and talk about their experience. The project will entail more attractive and relevant pedagogy than lecture or seminar based approaches.The key objectives are:1) to bring students from different contexts together, through blended mobility, where they will help develop novel approach in spatial economic data analyses,2) to bring scientists with different background together in order to establish a new cooperation within "spatial economics" domain,3) to assess the potential of playful, experiential and simulation game-based learning in this context,4) to devise an interdisciplinary and multinational course that facilitates the interconnection between economics and geomatics5) to develop an open access methodology of the spatial exploration of economic data6) to establish a simulation game scenario in order to model real world problems and their solutionsThe Partnership delivers an ongoing intensive course encounter between students and staff from different disciplines organized in three major mobility activities - two for students and staff (IntLeB - Interdisciplinary Learning Block, composed of (i) Blended mobility and (ii) Intensive Study Programme - Summerschool) and one only for the staff (SciLab - Scientific Laboratory, representing (iii) short-term joint staff training event). The project conference (Multiplier event) will be held at the end of the project in order to present the results to a wider audience. Meanwhile the regular Strategic Partnerhip Meetings will be orginized for proper project goals implementation.In total, there are 84 students and 8 academic staff directly supported by the grant, with 3 more participants helping to fulfill the intellectual outputs.The following project results are expected:1. Annual Spationomy courses (ECTS credit rated)2. Methodology of the spatial exploration of economic data - methods of multidisciplinary analytics (Spationomy methodology) 3. Spationomy learning and teaching materials (handbooks, manuals, guides, e-learning, multimedia etc.)4. Significant research results (scientific papers and publications)5. Simulation game-based learning conceptual framework (including case studies and best practices)6. Innovation of the participating institutions' curricula7. Conference proceedingsThe main expected result is a unique annual Spationomy interdisciplinary and international programme producing educated experts in the field of economy, business informatics and geomatics. All participating students will take part in blended learning activities with intensive Summerschool at the end of the Spationomy annual cycle. As a result, it is expected to educate and train 28 young students per year (84 in total) to become specialists in “spatial economy”. Besides, eight staff members will form an international and interdisciplinary group striving to derive new approaches, learning methodologies and knowledge in “spatial economy”. The participants involved in the Spationomy will be supported by interactive learning (and teaching) materials described above. Research outputs will underline the current convergence of economy and spatial information. All the materials and outputs will be available in open-access format.It is intended that the project will produce activities that could be maintained after the end of the Spationomy project funding due to the great potential of the interdisciplinary approach presented here.



3 Participants partenaires