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Social Inclusion with Dances and Traditions
Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project “Social Inclusion with Dances and Traditions ” is a Youth Exchange - Partner Countries organized by Antillo Municipality in cooperation with Partner from Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Ukraine, Georgia and Azerbaijan. The project will be held in Antillo (Italy) from 28th April to 05th May 2015, 8 days and it will involve 30 young people aged from 18 to 25 (5 for each group) and 6 Group Leader (1 for each group) . The main theme of the project is to support the creativity of youth and give them knowledge about the power of tradition and culture by experimenting dances to promote social inclusion and to fight against marginalization. The project's objectives are: developing the sense of social cohesion and the individual taking responsibility towards issues that concern the entire community through involvement in dance activities and non-formal education of participants involved; Encouraging active participation by interacting in the dance classes of participants from 6 countries; Promoting NO HATE attitudes and mutual understanding among young people and local community through involvement in daily public events; Strengthening social cohesion by practicing traditional dances from different countries. This project will give to the participants an opportunity to get to know eachother and learn about different cultures and specifical traditions. Participants will share their own experience and cultural diversity. During the activities, higlhy partecipatives, implemented they will learn new skills and get new knowledge. The project will be based on intercultural working methods and non-formal education, learning by doing and peer to peer education. There were programmed: Stage/Inetractive Seminars on Dances and popular traditions, Dance Performances, Creative Laboratory, discussions, exchange of opinions and debate moments, Round Table, Interactive Public Workshop, Brainstorming, Working Group, Moments of initial, intermediate and final evaluation, Reflection group, meeting between group leaders, networking and planning for the future, daily evaluation, Cultural visits, Intercultural dinner and presentation, Energizers, social and dynamic games. At the end there will be realized, open air with the involvement of local community, a final performance summarizing the work of the participants during the activities on creation of a new dance, with the elements of the traditional dances of the countries represented in the project.



5 Participants partenaires